A Handful Of Words Of Wisdom Scripture References

By Etta Bowen

Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge in a way that can benefit people. Wise men and women are in high demand because their presence can change a lot of things. It is needful in solving problems, settling disputes and for many other reasons. This is why it is necessary to go to the Bible or study materials that contain words of wisdom scripture references for quotations that can help one live well.

The Bible is recommendable because it is believed to be from God who is the giver of wisdom. The book of Job 12:12 talks about the need to stay close to old people. He emphasizes that as people grow older, they become wiser and can pass their knowledge to the upcoming generations. This is the reason why governments have elder statesmen who serve as advisers anytime there is a challenge.

People can become wise only when they start fearing God. To be afraid of God does not mean distancing oneself from God but to become more committed to Him. You can have a better understanding of this by reading Proverbs 1:7

In addition to having fear for God, Proverbs 3:7 also talks about the need to desist from evil. In other words, it is saying that people who do evil are not wise. Some of the evil acts which the scripture prohibits include lying, stealing, terrorism, adultery, idolatry and fighting. To fear God means respecting His sovereignty and doing all he commands, knowing that He rewards the good and evil that men do.

Another good reference is Proverbs 13:1. The passage is beneficial to anyone who is not yet an adult. It says for such people to be wise, they should be humble enough to obey instructions from their parents or guardians. Some people begin to do the wrong things when they are young because they decided not to follow instructions. They eventually become reckless and unable to satisfy neither themselves nor the society.

A foolish man gathers for the wise one to enjoy. This is another way God wants to reward those that please Him. You can see this more clearly in Ecclesiastes 2:26. God is the one who gives everybody the power to make wealth but He will deprive the disobedient ones the opportunity to enjoy them.

There are many places in the scripture that talk about man's inability to find wisdom on his own. Some scriptures talk about acknowledging God in every way while 1 Corinthians 1:25 says that God's foolishness is wiser than man's wisdom. This does not mean that God can be foolish at times. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of depending on God.

Another way wise people act is by controlling their temper. In Proverbs 29:11, it is only a fool who acts according to the measure of provocation he gets. Even though someone hurts you badly, you are not supposed to pay evil for evil. Controlling one's temper also affects one's speech and disposition when dealing with neighbors and colleagues at work.

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