Disaster Relief Ministry Guide After Natural Disasters

By Etta Bowen

Natural disasters are events which you cannot stop. These natural disasters are obviously Acts of God, after all. These natural disasters are physically impossible to stop so one has to be prepared for the aftermath of the event. These natural disasters can be in the form of hurricane, storm, tsunami, earthquakes, landslide, and such.

Even when you know that a calamity is coming, you absolutely have no other option but to brace yourself for it. You just have to make preparations so that you can stand up once again right after the storm has weathered. The local clergy will be of help here. After all, this is where the disaster relief ministry comes into action.

There are surely a lot of people these days who want to be a part of this organization. They will want to be a part of an organization that can reach out to people. Through this organization, it should be possible to be of help to others. This can be a source of fulfillment for other people.

If you want to be of help to the stressed community, then you should consider expressing your desire to help. This will be the first step you will take to reach out to the affected people. There should be tips you can follow for the purpose of reaching out to the victims of the calamity. Here are the tips that can be of help to you.

First, you should take into account that monetary donations are the most useful. Indeed, there are a lot of necessities that must be received for the affected such as food, clothes, and water. While these may be the most important ones, you can say that money is still the best thing to give because it can be used on various ways.

It is also true that this is the time for most of the religious groups to try recruiting to their faith. The affected people are usually the ones who are easily preyed upon with scams and they are also easy to convince to convert. Whether it be the religious groups or the scammers, you have to protect them as part of your local clergy.

Volunteers are definitely important for your kind of work. You have to be careful if you are planning to bring these volunteers from outside of your community. It is better to have only a handful of volunteers so long as they are trained or they specialize in something. If the volunteers are untrained, they will just cause more trouble.

Be responsible with your community, especially if you are a community leader. If you have resources you can possibly tap on, you should not hesitate to tap on it to help the community. If you got contacts with other local organization, do not hesitate to request them for help. You need all the help you can get.

Do not forget to preach about God's graces. You have to tell the people that God loves them and that there is hope. The calamity might be too much for people to bear but remember that God does not give a trial that no one can clear. This is just one of those trials that should bring people closer to Him.

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