Medical Massage Therapy Importance And Implications For You

By Etta Bowen

Professional and experts in the medical field do estimate that over ninety percent of diseases that occur are as a result of stress. It is debated that there is no other condition that causes us to age more quick externally and internally as stress. Stress can affect the bodily systems from the central nervous system and also the reproductive, muscular, cardiovascular, not forgetting the immune and respiratory systems. The levels of hormone production can also be affected. A result of this might be a non-existent or low level of libido that will cause problem to the process of infertility or conception. What better way to curb this if not through medical massage therapy.

If is obviously common sense that most people out there would definitely fathom getting a massage. The health implications of the massage however are not known to many. There are those who think that it is a way to feel good and relax the mind, body and spirit however it actually heals the soft tissues and body muscles.

The massage practice is very old and dates back to the B. C era even in great ancient civilizations such as the romans, Greeks, Indians, Mesopotamian, Chinese and the Egyptians. Nowadays however it has spread worldwide and it is a global thing. Traversing different peoples and cultures.

In areas such as China it is considered as part of their basic health care and it is considered to during the teaching in schools that deal with medicine. The therapy as introduced into the United States in the 1800s however as we contrast it to the east its incorporation into the medical practice has been rocky and slow. In the early 1990s its influence hit an all-time low due to the tremendous advances which technological advances which were witnessed in particular medical scene.

Massage therapy regained its back its reputation from the decreased advances in technology in 60s and 70s. This could have been attributed to more and more of the professional athletes beginning to take up this form of therapy in their routines particularly on reasons dwelling on health. Nowadays it has expanded into a very huge industry that with hundreds if not thousands of institutions. Same applies to the work setting for therapeutic services not forgetting credentialing and licensing too within every state.

Despite the particular parlors still being in existence the places where their presence are more concentrated are in hoods rather than the suburbs. The common misconception of relaxation whenever massage is mentioned is not true. It has recovered its respect as being as being a medical therapy that is focused on ensuring that ones body performance is enhanced through healing.

Massage carried out for prenatal purposes should be conducted by therapists who are specifically trained so as to be able to address the health needs of women who are pregnant. The childbirth process can be shortened and more manageable for those who will take this form of massage. Thus the maternal stay of the expectant mothers will be shortened greatly.

It will also apply to nerve compression, inflammation, myofascial trigger not forgetting an increased motion range which will result into joint flexibility. Other results can be an improvement in body posture, nervous system and body circulation generally. The problems that a patient experiences specifically will be the determinants of the massage they will be accustomed to.

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