Sex Addiction Rehab Palm Springs CA

By Janine Hughes

People have come to accept sex addiction as a normal condition, and since it has been on the rise, it needs to be controlled. In spite of the American Psychiatric Association not recognizing and categorizing the condition as a disorder, it needs to be addressed with due diligence. Information Regarding Sex Addiction Rehab Palm Springs CA centers have been scarce but are now readily available.

There exists indicators that show either you or another person is bordering on sexual addiction. Some of these include the desire to have many partners whom one is interested in having sexual relations with. Another indicator has to do with the urge to have a lot of uncontrolled sex. This condition has been noted to the urge to have high intensity sexual activity as well as high risk ones as public sex, which can lead to arrests.

Exposure to pornographic content may also lead to this state. The addict is unable to stop downloading and continuously viewing pornographic related material. These may range from photos, videos, and other forms of written material. These are widely available and accessible from a wide array of devices, most of which can connect to the internet.

There exists another condition where sex is the main thing a person thinks about. This in therapists' circles is known as sexual preoccupation. It has been discovered as another factor that leads to addiction. Sexual compulsivity is the inability of the person to control their impulses to have sex. This has been seen to lead to increased sex frequency and obsession.

Treatment for, and rehabilitation from such forms of addiction is best done with the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist. There are common steps and methods which are used in rehabilitation and treatment of such individuals. Among them is residential treatment program. These are based in a secluded area where there is a controlled environment to ensure minimal distraction from any of the activities or objects that may activate or propel their addiction.

Another common method used is outpatient counseling, which us very similar to the residential treatment center, say for the location and number of hours. In this method, the addict visits the therapist at a given location, usually at their offices, but may be different. The hours are also different since they are only in session for a few hours every day, unlike a residential program which goes on full time.

Another form of dealing with this addiction is group therapy, where the addicts are gathered to a specified location, where they undergo rehabilitation together as a unit. Addicts have been known to gather together without the presence of a specialist, and undergo the process on their own where they share and help each other out. However, some addicts do not like the group environment and prefer having one on one sessions with the specialist.

The effects of sex addiction are observed not only in the life of the addict but also in the lives of those close to them. As such it is in the best interest of everyone to ensure addicts get help sooner rather than later. The number of professionals who can help with this state and rehab in Palm springs CA is also adequate to handle the rising number of cases.

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