Active Directory Password Reminder And The Need For More Secure Access

By Janine Hughes

No matter how well you protect your personal and company data, there is always the risk of them, being stolen. This could be the worst scenario that companies will have to deal with. After all, vital information about the business can be sold out and can be used against them.

The risk is very high that owners spend a significant amount of money to ensure its protection. Active directory password reminder is only one mode that ensures the regular protection of different information that comes in and out of the business. This is a method used to remind employees to change the current access that they have to a stronger one.

Sadly, a lot of employees take this for granted. Some of them continue logging in to the old account details that they have and complain about not being able to access it. Of course it will not work. After the resetting, you will be given temporary passwords that you need in order to access it. These temporary ones have limited lifespan. It is the responsibility of the employees to change it to their preferred ones.

Do not be alarmed when you encounter emails, officially circulated within your company asking you to change your access information. They are all part of the drill. This is done to maintain maximum security within for your company data. Once you are asked to change your password, take time to consider these important reminders.

Do not settle for simple. Go for combinations. Simple passwords like a name of your favorite anime character is a bad log in info. This can easily be hacked. Create one that combines letters with numbers and with symbols on your keyboard. Be as creative as you can. As much as possible, do not make it readable.

Follow the eight character minimum rule. Make a password that contains at least eight characters using combinations. This is the best way to qualify for a strong log in access. Shorter than that and it will be easier to hack. There are many characters, numbers and symbols that you can utilize. Surely, they are not only good to an eight character combination.

Do not use old passwords. No matter how strong you think an access is, if you have used it before in any sites in the internet, then forget it. There are so many combinations you can use. Make a different and unique one. You cannot be so sure that your old password has never been seen or hacked. Settle for the safer choice, namely, a new one.

Absolutely no dictionary words. This could potentially be the easiest things to hack. No matter how unusual a word sounds, if it is in a dictionary, then never mind. Hackers will surely know it as well. Explore your creativity and make your own word. As mentioned, combinations are your best bet. Stick with it.

Data theft is common. It can happen to anyone including you. As employees in a company, it is your responsibility to abide by the rules and regulations set by the higher ups when it comes to security measures. They are all for your good. Cooperate well.

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