Why People Are Praying To Our Creator

By Beryl Dalton

Every young person around knows that there could possibly be a great being who is living within the sky that is very powerful. Their parents have also taught them that praying to our creator will change a person's path in life at any given time. The people who are atheists do not believe in God and no one can convince them that this spirit exists.

Every single person in this society wants to have more money than they can spend and this may never become a reality. Sometimes a load of cash can really help someone to pay off their credit card bills and other expenses that may exist. Many of the preachers in America advise their followers to only pray for things that are necessary and not materialistic.

When someone wants to say thank you to their holy God they may in fact kneel down and bow their heads. This is the most common form that church members take whenever they are attending a service on Sunday. Human beings who long for company might find themselves attending a certain house of worship over the weekend. They are always able to find a new love interest at this particular place.

Residents of Georgia have always been religious and the church helps them to overcome some of their hostile feelings towards others. An older woman who had always lived alone thought that her church group would be able to help her locate a mate. This story does indeed have a happy ending since she was able to connect with a man who finally married her.

An angry teenager thought that everyone at his school was cruel and hateful in every way possible. This boy believed that his prayers would eliminate each and every individual who tortured him daily. Some of the teachers at this location also picked on the young man since he would always appear untidy.

He was finally able to seek revenge on all of these people after stealing several of his father's guns. A great smile went across his face when he shot some of his teachers and other students that were hanging around. His lawyer convinced the jury that this young lad was quite disturbed and this gained him access to a mental ward.

An American male was not able to support his family in the best possible way and he feared that they would become homeless. This man had never believed in God until he entered into a Catholic church one fine Sunday morning. He had then accepted the spirit of God into his life and his entire attitude changed towards the world.

The event did him a world of good and it helped to change his attitude towards people and the world in which he lived. He felt a great spirit go through his body while attending the church event. It only took a short period of time before his luck changed and he finally obtained a great deal of money.

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