Psychic Advice May Help Or Harm Someone

By Leslie Ball

Sometimes people need answers to certain questions which happen within their lifetime. This is the time that these individuals will seek out psychic advice from someone who is working in this particular field. At times these workers are good honest people who will give good information to their customers. Unfortunately some of them are charlatans who enjoy taking a person's dignity as well as their money within this business.

Everyone around has heard the weird stories about Miss Cleo and her fortune telling service which tried to help desperate individuals. A southern woman with two children and a husband wanted to obtain information about all of the bad things which were happening around her world. This woman felt that her life could be so much better if she was able to break free of certain situations. During the years she had done some pretty stupid things which would always haunt her existence.

People assumed that this woman was a loving and kind person who really enjoyed being around her spouse and the two children which they shared. Unfortunately this was a myth but every person around enjoyed seeing this girl with her unique little family. Many people even gave them gifts during the Christmas holidays.

Whenever she or her children needed anything the coach working at this particular school would give her money to purchase certain items. She was indeed grateful for his kindness and eventually fell in love with this good looking and well mannered male.

Eventually they found themselves in every motel room that was around town. Their love making was kept discreet since it would bring destruction and doom to everyone. This lady was very unlucky since her mother in law also worked at the same school and she was bound to find some dirt on her daughter in law. She knew that her husband would take everything if the secret affair came to light.

Her hateful sister in law would sometimes follow her to and from the school on certain days. She was very careful to make sure that her and the coach would not get caught while doing their devious act. Her husband's sister was a big woman who enjoyed fighting on every occasion.

One day while watching the television she caught a glimpse of an program which featured the famous and glamorous Miss Cleo. She picked up her telephone and contacted this spiritual person who had promised her a good life with the sports related male.

After the fallout she found herself living in a run down apartment on the wrong side of town. She waited weeks for the coach to come to her doorstep but this never happened. Everything that Cleo had told her was untrue and she finally had a severe nervous breakdown. One day the ambulance came to take her away and this was very unfortunate for her family. Meanwhile Miss Cleo continued to con people until she was caught and punished.

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