Selecting Easter Picture Books For Children

By Iva Cannon

Spring holidays are on the way and it is time to think of unique and personal gifts for all of the youngsters in your life. Easter picture books for children make wonderful presents for any young person and there are so many themes and story lines you can look for. Make a list of all that you need before you head out to shop for these special little people.

Purchase small cardboard versions for the youngest recipients on your list. They will not be able to tear or destroy them. The stories are very sweet and simple. Often, they have added textures to the pages to make the toys more interesting to this age group. These textures can include the soft fur of a bunny, the rough coat of a pig, or a long tail of a horse.

Large editions with heavily illustrated pages of characters will provide wonderful and thoughtful gifts for the preschoolers and other little ones who may have just started school. In the time period before this holiday, be sure to read to them every single night at bedtime. They will have fond memories of these special times when they get older. It will also increase their imaginative capacities and creativity.

Easy-to-read versions are perfect for your elementary school readers. There are so many funny, adventurous, and true stories for them to page through and read on their very own. The illustrations can give them word cues and clues to help them with their new vocabulary. Have the older ones read aloud to the younger ones for practice and to provide special bonding times between young siblings.

Select more expensive and quality volumes to decorate your home. Open slightly and prop on side tables, in entrance halls, and on coffee tables for a wow factor. Display them right along with colored eggs and fresh tulips for a very unique look. Seek the most colorful and the most beautifully illustrated types for the most impact.

Some common animals featured between these pages include ducks, lambs and rabbits. Give an accompanying stuffed pet to go along with the reading materials for special interest and impact. You can even make or buy hand puppets to illustrate the stories.

Many of these are also religious works, telling kids the story of how this holiday began. These Bible stories will enlighten and engage them and they will look forward to hearing them every single spring. Make a special point of reading one of these during the holiday meal to remind everyone exactly why they are celebrating.

Selecting and purchasing these gifts will let all of the young ones you know just how special they are. They will speak to their hearts as they read or are read these stories and tales. You can wrap them as elegant gifts or stow them in handled baskets along with other toys, candy and treats. When the holiday is over, store them and take them out for next year's festivities.

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