Signs Of Alcoholism

By Dave A

Alcoholism is a disease. Understanding alcoholism is vital since there is a great deal miss communication and misinterpretation about the disease. Alcoholism is not curable. It is not the result of weak willpower. Well intentioned people (just like me) thought I just had to try harder and exercise more willpower to manage my drinking. Alcoholics try to quit. Alcoholics fail. Alcoholics make promises and really try to keep their promises to cut back, slow down, moderation or quit, but they can't. Alcoholics continue to disregard the fact, they cannot quit on their own. Alcoholics continue to justify why they need to drink. For example, a stressful day, death in the family, financial problems, relationship problems, I deserve a treat. Anything! An individual either has alcoholism or they don't. And if a person has the disease of alcoholism, they will never have the ability to drink alcohol like a normal person; ever.

Listed below are two really important points we need to understand about alcoholism:

1. The lack of ability to limit or control drinking after starting. An alcoholic fails constantly at keeping drinking under control even with the very best intentions. Any apparent control is often rare and never lasts. On most occasions, there is no turn off switch. General regret about drinking too much, usually unintended, is the next morning thought upon awakening. This over-drinking, shame and regret is a consistent pattern. Normal drinkers do not experience these tendencies

2. Alcoholics possess an abnormal obsession to drinking. A ongoing preoccupation happens how I would best describe it. Alcohol is part of an alcoholic's existence. A ongoing knowledge of it with everyday planned around alcohol. An alcoholic is usually thinking about it. For example when can i drink next, simply how much I'll drink, when will I purchase it, simply how much I'll buy. An alcoholic doesn't always drink constantly however the thought of it is definitely in the mind. Normal drinkers don't do this.

Once we feel the pressures in life our alcoholic brains are wired to drink alcohol. We must control our thinking to make sure that we prevent acquiring alcohol therefore our alcoholism should be managed daily. Our willingness to pick up alcohol, knowing all the problems is causes us is probably the most insane factor about alcoholism. Drinking is a result of much much deeper rooted problems. Searching for these root problems is vital for lengthy sober living. For instance constant thirst for acceptance and approval our search for purpose and direction and understand about feelings of insignificance and inadequate security need our deep reflection.

If you feel you have a drinking problem and need assistance finding help, you can send me an email at

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