The Three Different Types Of Beverly Hills Psychologist That You Get

By Tammie Caldwell

Some people choose to study mental processes and behavioral patterns. These types of people are normally Beverly Hills psychologist. They evaluate, diagnose and treat individuals as well as study certain behaviors and mental processes. There are many different types of these mental-health care givers. According to the Psychological Association of the Americans there are as many as 56 different types of psychological personnel that one gets. The main three categories are as follows: Clinical or Counseling, Industrial or Organizational and Academics or Researchers. Let's now take a closer examination at what each of these different types of professionals do.

To begin, a Clinical Councillor provides counseling and therapy to their patients in varying or different contexts. The counseling given is determined by the patients' needs and individual problems. Such people most of the time have their own practice as well as practice numbers.

Secondly, an Industrial or an organizational practitioner applies theories to real life business scenarios. They aim at solving problems in the work place. They also provide solutions for government, industry and benefit organizations.

And finally, Academics do research and teach or lecture on the topic of psychology. Such people can also be professors. They help train future psychological personnel

Such persons are seen as being either "research-orientated", "applied" or "scientists and scholars" verses "professionals". However, the training model approved by the APA states that people like that be trained as both practitioners and researchers and they must have advanced degrees.

In the United States of America the vast majority of these types of professionals are employed in the clinical department with 152,000 people out of 170,200. 2,300 are employed in industrial-organizational roles and the remaining 15,900 in the remaining positions. The average salary for clinical psychological professional in 2012 was a little over sixty nine thousand dollars and the salary for organizational psychologists was a little over eighty three thousand dollars.

People might require the services of a councilor for numerous different reasons. Normally they require them for therapeutic reasons. Youth behavioral problems or adjustment issues might also be a further reason for employing such personnel.

Psychological personnel and Psychiatrist differ drastically although their main goal is the same that is alleviating mental distress. Both their viewpoints and training is often at odds. Furthermore, even their methodology differs. One of the biggest differences between the two is that a psychiatrist is a registered and trained physician. Councillors personal are not. As such psychiatrists prescribe psychotropic medication to help treat their patients - something which Councillors usually cannot do. In some jurisdictions however these individuals do have limited prescribing powers.

To conclude then - there are many types of these kind of mental health practitioners. According to the APA there are precisely 56 different types. They can be grouped into three different categories: Clinical, Industrial and Academic. They aim at relieving mental anguish and distress and addressing behavioral problems. In Beverly Hills, CA, they are different to psychiatrists as they are not registered physicians and normally do not prescribe medication. They are also very highly educated and hold advanced degrees.

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