How To Strengthen My Spiritual Life Journey

By Ericka Marsh

A strong spiritual life is very fulfilling. It takes time and effort to realize this strength. The first step is a declaration that, I want to take charge of my spiritual life journey. Attaining this strength will require you to undertake several things.

Identify your foundation- this means making a decision to follow a particular spirituality. The spirituality or principles in many cases are based on a religious belief. Further, within different religions, there are opportunities to adapt a particular lifestyle. The options include meditative, charity, evangelical, intellectual, etc. The principles of the religious or spiritual body you join will guide you through the journey.

Be in communion- communal activities provide social insight, are encouraging and will strengthen your believe. The community engages in activities and shares their daily experiences at social and personal level. This will increase your knowledge and understanding of the application of such principles in daily living. You learn from experienced members of such a community and teach those who come after you.

Identify a mentor- mentors are people you look up to in terms of faith. They have more experience and understanding of your faith and will encourage you in the course of the journey. They help you make the right choices at different stages and will correct you in case you get lost. They direct your steps to keep you grounded spiritually.

Read a lot- reading strengthens your understanding of the things you believe in. There are books written by the founders of your community or religious group. They provide a basic understanding of the expectations of anyone adhering to that religion. Further, there are recent books that help you tackle emerging issues. Read as many of these books as possible. The internet also contains a lot of literature. Be diligent to read as much as possible.

Listen- spiritual leaders and intellectuals provide insightful lectures and audios on different issues. These resources are available on radio, TV, internet as well as on DVDs and other storage devices. Take time to listen to the lectures and take notes to be used in changing your destiny. Be keen to listen to grounded speakers to avoid confusion.

Meditation- meditating remains a strong spiritual pillar in any faith. The quiet moment helps you to reflect and better understand what you believe. There are meditation guides in form of music or audio reflections. Use them to enhance your experience.

Charity work- this is voluntary work aimed at assisting the needy in your community. Participating in such endeavors keeps you in touch with your immediate community. It also helps you appreciate the things you already have and therefore be grateful.

Go for pilgrimages- journeying to a religious holy site gives you a vivid understanding of the things you have always heard. This first hand experience is a strong foundation and helps to strengthen your spirituality. It makes real or practical the things you have always heard about or read about within your religious circles. Pilgrimages are always transformational.

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