You Can't Yank A Flower To Make It Grow Faster

By Evan Sanders

There's an old phrase that I love. It says something similar to - you cannot yank on a flower to make it grow much faster.

How incredible is that?

Developing true patience must be one of the hardest things to really develop. But without patience, we really don't give ourselves the chance to see things all the way through. Additionally, there are several things in this world that call for our patience and will only develop when we really bring it into our lives. Maybe there's incomplete business we still have with someone or we are just giving something the space and time to grow and develop. Think of your dreams. Often, our dreams don't occur because we aren't yet the person who can really accomplish them. Actually that's practically always so. We do not get what we'd like so we will grow into the individual we absolutely need to be to finally accomplish our biggest desires.

Patience is the key to granting our future to unfold in front of us without our projections onto it. Patience, is the ability to stay completely present in the time given to us without attempting to live forward.

This is hard. Very hard.

A great deal of the time we wish to make things turn out precisely the way in which we see them in our mind. The big issue with this is that we are endeavoring to control a place and time that's really wild. Oftentimes, the future unfolds in completely different strategies than what we were expecting. This isn't inevitably a horrible thing though. Rather, this is often a unreserved present giving us what we really needed instead of what we wanted. Wouldn't you rather just live in that place - a place of complete possibility and opportunity?

When we let go of what we think should happen in our lives we make allowance for life to really surprise us.

Develop some patience. Everything will come to you in the appropriate time.

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