Follow-Up Visits Are Needed With A Lap Band Surgeon Following The Surgery

By Sonia Parker

More and more people are embracing surgical procedures to help with diet and weight loss. In particular, individuals who are significantly overweight or obese are choosing surgery to overcome their obesity. There are a selection of surgical practices which have been successful in being able to help men and women shed weight. The safest and least invasive of these procedures is lap band surgery.

A lap band is actually an inflatable band made out of silicon that is used in weight loss surgery. Shortly after making a couple of small cuts around the patient's abdomen, a small tube is then inserted through the wall of the abdomen and illuminated. Using this, the lap band surgeon can see the internal organs of the patient. After this, the surgeon places the silicon band across the upper portion of the stomach. The blown up band then decreases the stomach capacity of the patient. The reduced capacity of the stomach means it takes a lesser amount of food to feel full or satisfied after eating. This normally means fewer calories ingested which leads to weight loss.

This surgery is not suitable for fast weight loss. It is to be used with a healthy diet and workout plan. A lap band diet plan permits most foods, but in smaller amounts. People who get lap band surgery done should avoid foods full off fiber, fat, and carbs. Their diet program should be made up of mostly of foods rich in protein. Patients have to take vitamins on a daily basis also.

Lap band surgery is definitely a safe and straightforward surgery to undergo. The patient visits the lap band surgeon as an out patient to have the surgery. Many of them go back home the same day. The majority of patients are back at work within a week. Future visits are crucial to tighten the lap band if needed to produce the suitable amount of weight-loss. Regarding pregnancy, the lap band adjustment is to allow additional nutrition for the pregnant mother.

Among the most successful diet and weight loss solutions is the lap band surgery. Patients have reported a 60% loss of extra weight over a five year period. The lap band diet plan calls for patients to embrace lifestyle changes with regards to diet and exercise. This generally seems to help with the success patients have in keeping the weight off. The lap band is something worn even after the excess fat is lost. It is also easily removed or adjusted as needed.

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