Cost Effective SEO For Beginners

Search engine optimization or SEO is one of the surest ways to drive traffic to your website. Insuring that your site is well optimized can guarantee more traffic and, subsequently, more money. However, optimizing your site could cost you lots of money if you don't know what you are doing.

You may think you need to hire a specialist in this area or turn it over to Google on a Pay-Per-Click ad campaign. Not really. If you just do some basic homework on the internet, you can find lots of information and some, relatively low cost materials and training to allow you to do it yourself. There are a few basics that can get you started that everyone should do. These are the most common practices to get your site started up the search engine ladder:

1. Backlinks or Link Exchanges

One cheap SEO method that can get you best results is through link exchanges or linking to and from other web sites. Depending on the websites that you would like to exchange links with, this tool could even cost you nothing at all. Contact the author or owner of the web site you want to have a link exchange with. You will be surprised with the eventual spiking up of your page ranking using this means of getting your website optimized.

2. Article Marketing.

Writing articles on your product or service and submitting them to article syndication sites is also a great way to get links to your website. You can write your own articles or you get them from article directories that allow you to post articles on your website as long as you keep the resource box or the author's byline intact. The articles don't have to be long, maybe 400-700 words, but they need to make sense. Don't just stick in your keywords 50 times if it doesn't sound logical to the reader. Some professional internet marketers only use this method to raise their traffic.

3. Unique Domain Name

A very easy-to-recall domain name will make your visitors remember your website. Something short and sweet, if possible, will work best. Also, if you can incorporate the name of your product or service in the domain name it will register better when people search for that product or service. For example, if you sell cameras a name like would give you a boost when people are search for cameras. Registering your domain name is not for free. Be sure not to make it too long. Any domain name over 25 characters lessens the chance that the potential customer will enter it correctly. They could end up somewhere else and your efforts will be for nothing.

4. Organize Your Website

Make sure your website is easy to navigate. Nothing will send a potential buyer to another site like confusion or difficulty finding the product they want. There is an old saying in web design. If a customer has to click more than 3 times to find what they want - they leave or quit looking.

These are just the basics to avoid the high cost of hiring a company to get your website up on the search engines. These techniques may free but they are not free from effort. They can take some time but bring great reward if done consistently. Just keep at it on a regular basis. Like most things in internet technology, SEO methods change frequently. Most of these methods discussed above are the tried and true things that always help. Just keep up with your research and you should be fine.

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