Avoid These Mistakes When Doing A Suntan Lotion Review

By Haywood Hunter

Millions of dollars are spent every year on products intended to keep us healthy. People are very conscience of their healthy needs and try to do everything they can to protect themselves and stay healthy. It is essential to do a suntan lotion review before choosing the product that is right for you.

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For years, the makers of suntan lotion labeled their products with terms such as "waterproof" and "all-day" without any regulations. Until recently, these claims did not even have to be proven. However, recently the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) implemented standers for all suntan lotion companies that require them to have more stringent labeling procedures. Because of these laws, they can no longer make unsubstantiated claims. All products must have the UVA and UVB protection amounts they can no longer just put the UVB label.

Sun protection products are available in many different forms including lotion, gel, or spray that is applied directly to the skin. You can also buy a stick or lip balm that can be applied to the lips, nose, and eyelids. All of the products help prevent the body from becoming sunburned at varying degrees.

The sun-protection factor or SPF is reported in numbers. SPF tells consumers the amount of protection a sunscreen provides. The numbers can range anywhere from 5 to 100 but do not think an SPF of 15 allows you to stay in the sun 15 hours longer then normal that will vary from person to person and it also depends on the type and amount of sun exposure.

The best way to make sure you do not burn in the sun is to rub on the lotion or cream liberally. Most of the time consumers do not use enough of the product and end up sun burned even though they put on sunscreen. Make sure you put a lot of sunscreen on the first time and do it at least 30 minutes before you go outside.

Some products protect against only UVB radiation while others protect against UVB and UVA. If the product protects against both it is classified as broad spectrum. Broad Spectrum protection is recommended for everyone 6 months of age or older. Sunscreen is not recommended for infants under 6 months of age because there skin may not be able to handle the chemicals in the product.

The sun's rays are damaging to the human body so always use sunscreen and reapply every two hours. If too much time is spent in the sun, it can cause premature wrinkling, sunburn, or even cancer. It is important to take all the necessary steps to protect the skin from sun damage.

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