Read the headline again. Are you wondering what it means? Excellent! You've just been introduced to a powerful email marketing blueprint that will ensure your emails get read. Your emails for marketing need to be actually read for you to make sales online. The blueprint is:
This unique blueprint appeals to human nature. It centres around curiosity and benefit. You are naturally curious as to what this Strange Mind Hack is. It is natural for us to want to discover the solutions to questions. In order to satisfy this curiosity, readers are compelled to perform the latter part of the title, which includes opening the email. You know you will benefit from finding out what's in the email as it will mean your emails will be read. This will help your overall marketing strategy and create more wealth for you.
The headline should promise your reader that they can get the answer right now. We live in fast times and, if your reader feels that there is a time lapse in enjoying the benefit, they won't notice your email.
So how do we apply this blueprint in the real word. Let's look at some typical examples:
1) Designer Clothes for men.
It's not just women who love designer clothes! Most men love to spend on clothes and fashion now. But why do men pay ten times as much for designer wear in the first place? The reason is confidence. They feel more powerful and successful, especially when it come to attracting women. Study the following heading:
Attention Guys. Are You Making This Fashion Faux Pas That Repulses Women?
Can you see the formula here? Curiosity plus benefit. The curiosity is 'what is this fashion faux pas' and the benefit is not repulsing women!
2) Online Golf Club Store
One Legged Golfers Weird Little Secret Can Improve Your Handicap .
This title subsequently generated millions in sales. I'll let you try and work out where the curiosity is and where the benefit's not difficult!
3) Site Dedicated To Wedding Planning
This Common Mistake Could Ruin Your Wedding Day. Here's How To Avoid It.
Can you see how effective this principle is? Which bride-to-be wouldn't open this email??
You may be wondering how this can work for a web site selling something more everyday. Well take a look at this.
4) Tools Websites Selling D. I. Y. Merchandise.
This Drill Kicks All Other Drills Into Touch.
5) A Web Site Selling TVs
Which Television Is The Best Value For Money? Find Out Here.
This blueprint has proven extremely successful. It can be easily implemented to ensure that your emails are read. Only if people read the contents of your emails will you succeed in generating higher sales.
This unique blueprint appeals to human nature. It centres around curiosity and benefit. You are naturally curious as to what this Strange Mind Hack is. It is natural for us to want to discover the solutions to questions. In order to satisfy this curiosity, readers are compelled to perform the latter part of the title, which includes opening the email. You know you will benefit from finding out what's in the email as it will mean your emails will be read. This will help your overall marketing strategy and create more wealth for you.
The headline should promise your reader that they can get the answer right now. We live in fast times and, if your reader feels that there is a time lapse in enjoying the benefit, they won't notice your email.
So how do we apply this blueprint in the real word. Let's look at some typical examples:
1) Designer Clothes for men.
It's not just women who love designer clothes! Most men love to spend on clothes and fashion now. But why do men pay ten times as much for designer wear in the first place? The reason is confidence. They feel more powerful and successful, especially when it come to attracting women. Study the following heading:
Attention Guys. Are You Making This Fashion Faux Pas That Repulses Women?
Can you see the formula here? Curiosity plus benefit. The curiosity is 'what is this fashion faux pas' and the benefit is not repulsing women!
2) Online Golf Club Store
One Legged Golfers Weird Little Secret Can Improve Your Handicap .
This title subsequently generated millions in sales. I'll let you try and work out where the curiosity is and where the benefit's not difficult!
3) Site Dedicated To Wedding Planning
This Common Mistake Could Ruin Your Wedding Day. Here's How To Avoid It.
Can you see how effective this principle is? Which bride-to-be wouldn't open this email??
You may be wondering how this can work for a web site selling something more everyday. Well take a look at this.
4) Tools Websites Selling D. I. Y. Merchandise.
This Drill Kicks All Other Drills Into Touch.
5) A Web Site Selling TVs
Which Television Is The Best Value For Money? Find Out Here.
This blueprint has proven extremely successful. It can be easily implemented to ensure that your emails are read. Only if people read the contents of your emails will you succeed in generating higher sales.
About the Author:
For those hoping to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of email for marketing, assistance is found online. You can learn more about email marketing and get your FREE online seminar here on how to increase your email marketing success rate NOW.
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