Understanding Diverse Chaga Tea Benefits

By Brandi Little

Chaga mushroom tea has for very long been seen as a potent health elixir within Russia, Siberia as well as other Northern European countries. Chaga tea benefits have however not been experienced much in many places across the Western world. The drink is extracted from mushrooms which are strange-looking, irregularly-shaped and growing along barks of Russian birch tree trunks together with northern countries.

It also has turned into a prominent immune system strengthener, which indicates good promise of relieving cancer. This plant contains solid, black, charcoal-like appearance which is a lot unlike typical mushrooms. It is parasitic in nature and eventually contributes to death of host.

Inward portion of mushrooms bear iron color, rusted and with veins that are cream in color. As well, it carries texture resembling cork. This herb was introduced to many parts of the world following release of the novel known as Cancer Ward written by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. The literary piece gives account of a main character who is cured of cancer simply by consuming this herbal tea.

Curiosity regarding this mushroom was at first believed to increase with author interest of people in the West. Solzhenitsyn did suffer himself with cancer, implying his novel may be depiction of his personal struggle with the deadly sickness. As time passed, many studies then were done in different places of the globe testing the potential of this herbal mushroom to produce cure.

In fact, in 1958 researchers in Finland and Russia discovered that this herb had potential of fighting cancer elements which affected the liver, breast and uterus. Scientists in Japan meanwhile tested extracts of Chaga in mid-1990s, concluding that cells exposed to these derivatives are less likely to grow without control.

Two years later, Polish scientists did succeed in showing that these herbal extracts also inhibited growth of tumor. Korean researchers also in 2005 demonstrated that cells infused with herbal derivatives were appreciably more resistant to DNA damage when exposed to oxidizing agents. The anti-cancerous qualities relating to this curative mushroom plant are believed to come from its vast phytochemical load.

They constitute antioxidants plus polysaccharides found by nature in the plant. Most of these compounds also are present in many different medicinal mushroom kinds which are known to impart anti-cancerous properties. These include cordyceps plus shitake and reishi. Betulinic acid is another extract sourced from birch tree wood and which counteracts viral infections as well as combating tumors.

By common tradition, this mushroom plant has regularly been taken just like tea in Russia. The inner sections of this plant get shredded in typical fashion then soaked as well as softened for several hours in cold water. Afterwards, water carrying herbal essence inside then is saved plus stored within container while mushrooms, softened now are further introduced into hot water cup.

It then is left to stand at room temperature for two days, following which mushrooms get discarded and resultant beverage combined with stored essence. Chaga tea benefits are outcome of the highly potent drink created here within four days from soaking. The drink is very bitter, slightly astringent and exudes coffee-like flavor yet has no aftertaste.

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