The Alternative Healing Modalities In Current Use

By Brandi Little

Alternative healing modalities are the treatment options that do not conform to the requirements of conventional medicine. Whereas the latter relies heavily on scientific evidence, the former is mainly built on faith and beliefs. Alternative medicine has been in existence for thousands of years. It has existed in different forms in the various parts of the world in which it has been practiced. More than 100 of these modalities have been identified.

With continued interaction of different cultures of the world, most of these practices have crossed cultures and are now used thousands of miles from their countries of origin. Yoga, for example, is believed to have originated from Asia. It is now known world over. The therapy is used in treating mental and physical ailments by integrating the mind and the body. Other common modes of treatment include acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathic medicine, ayurveda, hypnotherapy, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, nutrition therapy, biofeedback, massage and reflexology among others.

Acupuncture is a treatment that has existed in China for thousands of years. In this method, several tiny fine needles are inserted into the skin in specific areas. It is believed that these needles help to stimulate and disperse vital energy. When balance is achieved in the energy, the illness is cured. The treatment is used for conditions such as pain, acute illnesses and chronic diseases. Acupressure is a variant of the same and uses fingers to treat conditions such as arthritis, tension, menstrual cramps and cramps.

The first use of homeopathy dates back to the beginning of 19th century. People that practice this discipline believe that the factors that cause diseases are also the cures for the same conditions. All that is required is for the patient to receive an extremely small dose of the causative factor. The causative factor is made into a solution and diluted serially to form the lowest possible effective dose.

Naturopathic medicine aims at helping the body restore its own healing abilities. People who practice this hold the belief that the body has an inbuilt ability to recover from injuries and diseases. It encompasses other treatment methods such as orient medicine, herbs and homeopathy. It is used as a cure for acute as well as chronic conditions.

Ayurveda is one of the oldest traditional treatment options. It is believed to have first been used in India close to 5000 years ago and is still widely used in this country. In ayurveda, healers attempt to connect the body, the spirit and the mind. With such a connection, it is believed, a life force is stimulated and it helps heal a disease. Since this life force responds differently to therapy in different people, treatment is usually individualized.

Hypnotherapy has also been around for a while. Hypnotherapists claim that most if not all diseases have a subconscious component. By gaining control of the subconscious, most of them can be brought under control. The method seeks to gain access to suppressed memories, events that have been forgotten and repressed emotions. The patient is trained to change their emotions, behaviors and attitudes so as to deal with complaints such as phobias, addictions and stress.

The list of alternative healing modalities is endless. There are many of these treatment methods practiced in very remote areas and it will take a while before their existence is acknowledged. Interestingly, there are many people who believe in the superiority of these methods to modern medicine. The encouraging development is that many governments have allowed them to exist alongside conventional medicine.

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