Raising Confident Daughters In Modern Times

By Saleem Rana

Monday, February 25, 2012

Interview by Lon Woodbury

Exactly what can parents in today's world do when it comes to raising confident daughters? Invited to address this issue on a L.A. Talk Radio, guest Dustin Tibbitts discussed with host Lon Woodbury the transformation of women in the 21st century. On one hand, he pointed out, women have actually become considerably empowered over the span of the last 20 years; yet, on the other hand, girls and young women were now struggling with media objectification, unsatisfactory relationships and increased incidents of trauma.

Dustin Tibbitts

Dustin Tibbitts is President of InnerChange, a provider of long-term family-oriented treatment for young women. In addition, he is the Executive Director of New Haven Residential Treatment Center. His clinical knowledge in the area of therapeutic recovery includes dealing with trauma, sexual abuse, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. New Haven is a leading provider of therapeutic care for young women.

Why Raising Confident Daughters Is More Challenging Than Ever Before

During the interview, Tibbitts discussed some of the many challenges faced by parents when trying to raise self-assured daughters ranging from media objectification to finding the best relationships. When properly addressed, the current issues faced by young women could be used to raise confident daughters ready to take on the challenges and embrace the opportunities of our modern world.

Tibbitts suggested that one obstacle to self-acceptance that girls encountered were the tremendous amount of objectification of women by the media. This made it hard for women to accept themselves for what they were if they did not fit the stereotyped idealization of an elegant, beautiful woman. Women are commonly portrayed in ways that suggest that they be seen and desired instead of being simply perceived as competent human beings with intelligence and personality. Tibbitts was also alarmed to recently read some statistical surveys that indicated a rise in human trafficking and sexual slavery of women in the United States.

Besides their struggles with trying to fit into the ideals artificially created by media objectification, young women were discovering relationships challenging, and this was due to the fact that they were not able to meet young men interested in a long-lasting, stable, and meaningful partnership.

When asked exactly what therapeutic approach he leaned toward in helping women with post-traumatic conditions, Tibbitts discussed the value of using trauma-informed treatment. This therapeutic strategy aimed at trying to comprehend the effect of emotional injury while discovering how to successfully reduce its impacts without creating more trauma.

Tibbitts believed that parents played a significant role in assisting their daughters with post traumatic stress disorders, and it was helpful for parents to offer structure, initiate constructive dialogue, and find creative ways to get their daughters to share their thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, professional therapeutic help was necessary if the girl was likely to harm herself through destructive behavior.

In the final analysis, raising confident daughters had a lot to do with simply listening to daughters, comprehending their needs, and offering the help they needed to raise self-worth.

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