Making The Most Of Your Mouth

By Devon Monache

It smiles, laughs, sings, speaks words of love, and puckers for a kiss. As the years go by, these activities all take their toll.

The first place many women start to see wrinkles and lines is around their mouth. The skin around the mouth moves like any facial skin; it folds and creases when we make use of it. Sunblock, visors and hats help, however the lower portion of the face usually still suffers greater damage from the sun. Wrinkles are inevitable with all these factors.

It is unfortunate that, when someone looks at you, they first notice your mouth and eyes. Add in a brightly colored lipstick to draw even more attention to the area and those little lines start to become a bigger problem. Once these changes begin, the wrinkles increase around the chin and cheeks. Collagen also disappears, making the entire jaw region slack and flabby.

You've heard the downsides. Fortunately, there are some things to do about it.

In the past, fewer tools were available to fix facial flaws. Even expertly-done facelifts fail to address skin tone in the mouth region; they frequently leave this area wrinkly and standing out in comparison to the rest of the face. Small Botox treatments can help alleviate strong pursed lips, but won't take away those wrinkles that look like they were carved in.

Our bodies produce less collagen as we age. Unfortunately, given accumulated years of sun and environmental damage, our rate of collagen breakdown rapidly increases. So, we get wrinkly, lined skin in the end. Over time, we do lose volume in our lips. To begin to address the problem, we must avoid UV damage from the sun, keep the body hydrated and nourished, and use omega-3 supplements as well as antioxidants. Luckily, small quantities of filler bring back shape, and soften small wrinkles.

Studies show that voluminous lips can affect perception of a woman's age as much as wrinkles can. Once we reach our mid-30s, the volume of the lips declines gradually. Many clients ask how they can have full, natural lips without too much maintenance.

Many women are worried about getting "duck lips" or "platypus lips". We've all seen it and no one wants this look! But, if the injector is experienced, natural lips can be created by adding filler in increments.

Sometimes, it is hard to know where your limit is. Only so much can be done with small lips.

It's not just about filling the lips. One needs to consider the entire face and understand the balance of the lips as it pertains to the rest of the face. Not all injectors have an artistic eye or understand the anatomy of the face. Finding an experienced, artistically talented injector is key.

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