Reaping The Benefits Of Dark Self Tanner

By Haywood Hunter

Dark self tanner is the ideal choice for people seeking to get a realistic tan look without having to lay out in the sun all day. This liquid dark self tanner has been in production for close to three decades and is available all over the world. Many people continue to learn the benefits of opting for these products rather than risk getting burned on a sun bed.

One of the most popular attributes of dark self tanner products is the speed of action. While dark self tanner products do require some prep time so that a person can wash up and exfoliate, the application process is simple and takes effect fast. When compared with the many hours that would be needed sunbathing in order to achieve the same result, it is miniscule. It is also faster when compared to time taken lying on a sun bed.

Most people have to go to a public beach in order to sunbathe. Others can take advantage of the roof access on their building or if allowable, their own backyards. For many, this act is uncomfortable as they must wear a bathing suit to achieve the desired result. With dark self tanner products, such a person does not have to feel embarrassed any more. All the work required to achieve their desired tan can be done in the privacy of their own homes without any prying eyes.

The most important advantage of using dark self tanner products is to not have to suffer the effects of direct sunlight. The sun's ultraviolet lights have proven to increase the risk of developing skin cancer and other skin ailments. People who have spent many hours exposed to the sun's rays without the benefit of sunscreen have gone on in large numbers to become afflicted with these illnesses.

The tanning lotions used in dark self tanner products are absolutely safe to use and many are often indicated to have been FDA approved. They are safe to use on human skin with fear of side effects. Many medical experts even advise patients to use tanning lotions rather than go out sunbathing.

In fact, the effects of using them are never permanent. Most dark self tanner products fade after just a week. Because they are applied on the top layer of the skin that is made up of dead skin cells, the color disappears as the skin cells naturally fall off. Luckily, the only thing a person needs to do to retain their appearance is to reapply the product.

With the large number of dark self tanner products available in the market, there is something for everyone. Even if you want to look bronzed the entire year, there are many moderately priced products available and great deals on bulk purchases bought online. It is an expense most people can afford to accommodate in their budget.

The newest fad in this industry has to be the introduction of skin tanning pills. These pills are a risky option as they work on creating a tan by having a person ingest the coloring agent. Experts have warned that too many pills being ingested can result in liver damage and adverse skin reactions. Dark self tanner is the safest and most cost effective means of getting tan.

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