All About Sunless Tanning Booth And Why It's Popular

By Veronica Cappelletti

Sunbathing allows you to enjoy a sun-kissed radiant skin. But many are staying away from doing it because they're afraid of developing skin cancer and premature aging signs caused by the sun's UV rays. Good thing that there are numerous options to get a tan nowadays, and a popular one is using a sunless tanning booth.

It's just a small room where the individual steps in and is sprayed with dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This chemical comes from plant sources so it's safe for use on humans, and proof to that is the FDA's approval. DHA turns the topmost layer of the skin, which is mostly dead cells, into brown.

What's so great about this approach is the chemical is sprayed with the use of atomizers, so fine mists are produced. This provides excellent coverage, minimizing streaks so the individual can enjoy an even and natural-looking tan. What's more, there's no nasty staining on clothing or hair to worry about afterwards.

Inside the stall, the person presses a button after putting on a cap, taking a deep breath and closing his or her eyes. Then the atomizers will spring into action. The individual then allows the chemical to stay on the skin for a few seconds. The excess chemical is then toweled off.

A change in the skin color may not be noticed until after about an hour has passed. It's after 24 hours that you will enjoy the deepest brown color possible. This can last anywhere from 5 to 10 days. Repeatedly undergoing the procedure allows your skin to get more used to the chemical, causing it to sustain the brown color longer.

There are at-home products which may be purchased that also take advantage of DHA. Usually, they come in the form of creams, lotions, gels and sprays. However, getting an even tan using them can be quite tricky. Going to a salon offering a sunless tanning booth is still your best bet to get a radiant tanned skin you can show off.

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