How To Get A Microsoft Office Product Key

By Henry Lipton

Microsoft office products, such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel are the most popular suites that individuals and business professionals utilize. Prior to being able to use one of these products, an individual will need to have a Microsoft office product key available to activate the suite. These keys are a mixture of different numbers and letters.

During the setup process, you will be asked to enter this information into your computer, in order to activate the new suite that you have. Failure to enter in the correct number and letter combination, will lock you out of being able to use the item. The keys normally appear on product packaging, if you have purchased a physical office version.

The keys can be located in a couple of different ways. If you have purchased the physical software, it will appear along the inside section of the software box. However, if your purchase was solely a download, then the keys to activate the item will either be sent to your email, or shown to you during the activation process.

If you have looked in these two places and are unable to locate the information you need, then there are a couple of things you can do to get the code that is required. You may choose to take the long avenue and contact Microsoft directly. The corporation can be contacted either by phone or email.

If you do not want to reach out to the corporation, another alternative is to locate a key finder program. These programs can be downloaded onto your computer, giving you the ability to search through your system to locate the information that is required to activate the suite that you have. These programs are great for finding the lost information for various suites.

Be aware, that all office suites require a Microsoft office product key in order to work. Be wary of sites that offer free versions of the suite with pirated keys to use. If all else fails, and you are not able to attain the code that you need, you will need to purchase a new suite.

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