Facebook Jail: Can You Get Out?

By Ken Acree

Have you heard all about Facebook Jail yet? You may have read that the entire concept is made up. Unfortunately, this isn't exactly the truth. Although it may not technically be called "jail," it is very possible for you to have your privileges suspended. Keep reading to learn how to avoid this dire consequence.

Why should it matter to you? If you are only a casual user of the service, then it may not matter much. It could be seen as a minor annoyance, but not much else. However, if you are a marketer, then being put into Facebook Jail could be viewed as a death blow for your business. Because Facebook is one of the two leading highest traffic sites online, it is critical to the success of your business that you have a presence with the social network.

One of the craziest things I ever hear is that it is somehow unfair to have Facebook Jail. All I have to say is, if you think it's so unfair you are welcome to put your money where your mouth is and start your own social network. There you can have whatever rules you want.

So what can you do to avoid landing in this form of online purgatory? We will discuss three tips that will help to keep you in the clear. These are to act naturally, never spam, and learn to engage your audience.

It is important to be yourself when hanging out on social media like Facebook. If you try to be something that you are not, people will see right through your act. Never try to friend people that you don't really have a relationship with. This can land you in jail quickly.

Don't send spam! Do you like spam? I'm guessing that the answer is, "No." If you don't like it, why would anybody else? Sending spam is a sign of desperation. You won't get sales, but you will get kicked out of Facebook.

Be engaging. Encourage audience participation at all times. Ask questions. When you do this you bank a lot of goodwill with the social sites. When you engage others you will develop a following. You will be viewed as a marketing leader rather than a spam artist.

Ultimately, staying out of Facebook Jail is about putting in the time and doing things the right way. Unless you want to pay for ads, there is really no short cut to developing an online presence. Work hard. Be yourself. These attributes will surely keep you out of trouble.

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