Turn To A Different Counselor Before Becoming A Victim Of Therapy Abuse

By Iva Cannon

As is true in any of the helping professions, there are good providers, bad providers and those that are downright damaging. It is a sad situation when the very person whom you turn to for help, is capable of therapy abuse. Fortunately, some of his actions may alert you to the fact that you should seek another therapist.

During a first appointment you can tell if something does not feel right. Trust your own feelings. If you go to this person for a few appointments, chances are those methods may seem to make sense. You can find your emotional state worse instead of better.

Sometimes features that are unfamiliar will make the client realize a therapist is not an ethical practitioner. Changing to another psychologist will resolve that problem. Another therapist, who does not know the first one, can offer an opinion based on what you relate.

After a few sessions you will notice two changes. If you do not feel that you are progressing with a resolution to your problem, it is a poor indication. If you do not think your problem can be resolved in the foreseeable future, that is also predictable of failure.

No client should be overly dependent on a therapist. If the therapy seems to be radically different from what your friends have told you, that may be a strong warning signal. You should feel free to question the therapist as to why he is using those tactics. If you are uncomfortable about confronting him, that is not a good sign.

Suggesting separating yourself from friends who do drugs or are alcoholics is a positive sign. However, if you are being dissuaded from mingling with friends and classmates at school, that is not. Separating from an abusive boyfriend is a good suggestion as well.

That would be a definite sign that your therapist is someone you should not be spending time with. Any physical contact is not acceptable. Even when a patient encourages such advances, it is up to the professional to stop it.

A psychologist is a human being with faults and problems. These should not be discussed with you in vivid detail. The focus of therapy is you, not the person providing it.

There may be other obvious signs of the counselor being unprofessional. Consider them to be warning signals. If he offers to lower his compensation to a ridiculously low amount that is one. Although some clients are given a price break to help their situation, it should not fall below a reasonable level.

If he bills your insurance company for sessions that were not provided, it is an illegal act. If you do not report it you could be considered an accomplice in insurance fraud. If you are a self-pay client, you should always pay on time.

Always demand to be treated with respect. Also, do not hesitate to question anything that may seem suspicious. It is difficult to stand up to a therapist when you are insecure to begin with. However, if there are any doubts about the validity of your treatment, change to a different psychologist.

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