Digital Purchases In Gaming By A Social Media Marketing Coach

By Rob Sutter

As someone who games constantly, I know just how much digital purchases have increased over the past number of years. It seems like this is simply convenient for those who want to have their experiences immediately and do not want to wait for shipping or drive out to pick up physical copies of the games in question. I understand the appeal of such purchases but I still have my doubts. Perhaps such doubts can be quelled by a reputable social media marketing coach as a result.

First of all, I know that it's sometimes normal for digital purchases to be relatively cheaper than those you are able to find at stores. It's not hard to see why, since you do not have to worry about physical cases, discs, manuals, and what have you. The expenses in these regard are not seen, so it should be simple enough to knock the price down $5 to $10, right? Well, this isn't the case for all companies and it's unfortunate to see that there are entities which do not understand.

Nintendo has recently decided to go about more digital advances in terms of its Wii U and 3DS marketplaces, which is brilliant. Slowly but surely we are starting to see more full games being offered on said markets but at full price, I don't know if they are that attractive. By going to any ordinary store, not only do you get them at the same price but you have physical content to back them up. It's the type of concern that has made me rack my brain time and time again.

It's hard to say but it is clear that consumers desire incentive to purchase these games on a market as opposed to a physical one. What exactly are they going to get from making purchases over the Internet as opposed to going to a store and buying the same item, only with tangible represenations to be seen? I think that a social media marketing coach would say that there should be better deals set in place so that they look more attractive. Attracting consumers is the name of the game for authorities like S-M-M-C.

For example, why not allow for a 10% discount, at the very least, in order to better convert those who may be hesitant to buy from these marketplaces? Perhaps being able to buy and purchase the game a number of days early should be another instance. After all, Nintendo did a variation of this when they released "Pikmin 3" and consumers purchased from GameStop in the United States. These are the kinds of changes that I would like to see more of in terms of the future of gaming.

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