You Can Rehabilitate Criminals And Give Them A New Life Full Of Hope

By Marla Mills

Criminals do not have to live as crime offenders for the rest of their life. They can change and become useful people to the society when given the chance. When you take a bold step to rehabilitate criminals, you are not only doing good to the crime offenders but also helping society. These offenders can still transform to very useful people in the society. They can contribute positively to well-being of their lives and the people around them when they are taken through a rehabilitation program.

Families and communities have been torn apart when people involved in crimes are taken through the justice system. The first responsibility in a justice system is to make the victims of crimes get justice by punishing the offender. However, this justice system does not take into account that people may not remain criminals for life.

Persons can change from their criminal life to a better meaningful life. People who have spent years in jail can still be transformed and become useful persons in the society. Before they are released to their society, the criminals can be taken through rehab programs as an intervention measure to change them from being bad people to being useful persons in society.

Through these rehabilitation programs, they can understand themselves more better and discover their purpose in life. It is perceived that people who commit crimes should be accountable for their actions. Putting them in punishments may not necessarily stop them from engaging in crimes. Punishment can help them realize what they did is wrong, but it may not deter them from doing the same in future.

Punishing crime offenders helps them understand that what they got involved in was wrong. However, it does not provide solutions to their behavior. It is possible that when the criminal characters are released to the community they could still commit crimes. Crime offenders at times, act under the influence of drug substances.

When crime offenders are released from jail, they face stigma because their society does not readily accept them. The society still views these people as criminals. It is this misconception, which creates a barrier in accepting and welcoming the people back to society. However, when people in society know that previous crime offenders have gone through a rehabilitation program that has changed their lives, they are able to easily accept the persons and help them cope with the new life.

These people are able to discover that they have not been living a meaningful life but a false existence. People who are released from jail are faced with another challenge of stigmatization. The society does not seem to value them and perceives these people as bad. By looking down upon these persons, the society does not help them. If they are not readily accepted in society, they could end up doing bad things.

The barrier created between the community and the crime offenders could be eradicated or bridged through the rehab programs. The main aim of rehabilitating people is to prevent them from becoming habitual offenders. This is a condition referred to as recidivism. It is of great importance to rehabilitate criminals, and get rid of the bad behavior as well as instill hope, trust, confidence, and positive feeling within those people.

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