Daily Inspirational Quotes - Start Each Day With Inspiring Quotes

By Marvin R. Wilcox

Motivation can move mountains. The power of the human mind, and its superiority over the physical body, has long been proven. The human race is said to be the most superior among all of God's creation. Over time humans have learned to control the mind. We have strived to reach our ambitions and goals. Yet there are times that we tend to get off track from our purpose and meaning. This is only natural because humans go through highs and lows over time.
[Motivational Quotes]

Inspirational quotes are typically fragmentary thoughts, taken out of context, that are best used to get you thinking about their underlying meaning and about the big commitments and values of your life. As an example, let's take a look at President Franklin Roosevelt's quote, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror." Those words were a part of President Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address on March fourth 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression. But is it necessary to understand the context in order to appreciate the thought and apply it in your life? Not only is the context not necessary, but in my opinion, it actually makes it more difficult to focus the inspiration on your own issues around fear.

Motivational quotes are usually written or spoken by famous personalities from different walks of life. These quotes have come from religious texts, philosophical scriptures, or even from political figures and influential business personalities throughout time. Good quotes motivate and inspire us in our daily lives. They enable us to gain the confidence that is sometimes lacking within ourselves. The wisdom you gain is something that you can treasure forever.

There is often disagreement over the source of an inspirational quote. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. may or may not have said, ""Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Mark Twain quite likely did not say, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do." Does it make an inspirational quote less meaningful or less inspirational because the author is unknown? For me, the value of inspirational quotes is mostly in the words, and how I can apply them to my own life, rather than in historical context. I find the Faith quote and the Twenty Years quote to be two of the most inspiring and motivating quotes I have found - whoever their authors may have been.

Shakespeare was very thoughtful when he said that there is nothing like bad or good but our thinking can make it so. We must take our responsibility to clean grimes from our windows. We must accept the consequences when we don't clean the glass but look towards our life through that smeared glass only. Otherwise we must show courage and clean our window by taking out our squeeze. This will make our dreams alive again.

Most importantly, motivational quotes become more meaningful and life-changing when dealing with other people. Quotes that inspire are instruments of change for a large number of people. When you share a motivational quote that matches the particular situation of a person who is down or confused, you can help them find a sense of optimism and good cheer.

For over 25 years Dr. Arnold has been CEO of Windhorse Corp., where he assists the nation's top speakers, coaches, authors, entertainers, business owners and sales executives. He is the author of "How the Top 1% of Speakers and Coaches Do Internet Marketing".His mission is single focused: to help his clients learn the insider secrets how the Top 1% of Speakers earn massive amounts of money with their speaking career in the most direct and easiest way possible.If you are hoping to learn a little more about daily motivational quotes, than you have certainly come to the right place. This article is going to give you a good introduction to these quotes, give you some insight on where they came from, and also give you a bit of advice on how they might best be used.

What, motivational quotes dangerous? And here's why: you've heard of "shelfware" and "shelf development", haven't you? You know, where someone's an Info Junkie and spends all their time and money researching and buying Shiny New Products to make them rich... and they use none of them, because it seems like they believe simply owning these things is enough? Reminds me of the folks who buy all the expensive gym-wear but don't lose any weight because the one thing they ain't doing is the one thing they need to do: work out! Anyway, motivational quotes and stuff are a bit like that.In other words, putting up some dreamy photo on Facebook with a smart caption from some long-dead philosopher or sage ain't the same as rolling up your sleeves and actually doing some work.Sure, you might feel good about it (and some of the quotes and inspirational sayings are pretty cool, it has to be said).And you might get a whole bunch of "likes" and comments (usually along the lines of "Way to go", "w00t!!", "sharing!" and other inane nonsense).You might even get that damp little feeling in your pants where you peed a little with excitement (it happens. so I'm told).

In fact, you could buy several different daily calendars and rarely overlap with some of the popular quotes. So what this means is, you have a little bit of wiggle room to skip ahead on your daily calendar, in case you need a little extra motivating.When it comes down to it, you might not feel that you always need to be motivated. The truth is, that so many different people find so many different reasons to be motivated. People can really enjoy that when the chips are down, you can count on some encouraging words. For some, this is from family and friends, but for others, it is from some of these calendars loaded up with motivational quotes.You might also think about it this way: you are going to be better suited to deal with the problems of your friends as well. So when you read your daily quote, you might not realize that so many different folks were in need of hearing that particular bit of encouragement that day.

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