Learn How To Reiki With Online Reiki Courses

By Nathaniel L. Ferguson

Considering Reiki classes? Reiki courses online are an option to which you should give serious consideration.This flies in the face of conventional or traditional theory. In particular, for Eastern Reiki, there is quite an involved process involving multiple levels of Reiki classes in order to get a certification to any of the three levels.Indeed, great mystery and secrecy surrounded this whole healing art. Whether this has served the art well is a much asked question. Secrecy and mystery sometimes tend to make people suspicious or skeptical, and this may have led to some of the skepticism in embracing the concept, particularly in the Western world.
[Reiki Classes]

Western Reiki started out the same way, with masters charging huge sums (up to $10,000) for master training. In the early part of the last century, even Western Reiki was surrounded by secrecy and mystery.So much so that there is now debate about how exactly to draw the symbols! Students had to commit them to memory and not write them down. Inevitable, different versions were remembered by different people, and we now have the strange phenomenon whereby different groups are claiming that their version of the symbols is the authentic and original version! Totally ridiculous!

Today many Reiki Masters still believe the only way to learn Reiki is in person face to face instruction. They believe this is the only successful way to learn Reiki and are very strong in their beliefs.There are other very successful Reiki Masters who strongly believe that anyone can successful be attuned via distance energy techniques. Otherwise known as online Reiki courses. These courses usually come complete with a comprehensive manual, video's, certificate and online support.Anyone who understands Reiki knows that reiki can be sent over pace, distance and time. All Reiki masters agree that distance Reiki healing is very powerful and an excellent form of healing when face to face healing sessions are not possible. Distance Reiki can be sent across the world to heal world events and crises as well.Distance Reiki is taught in level two and this is the technique which online Reiki courses use to attune their students to the energies of Reiki. Everyone has Reiki energy within them it is just a matter of activating this energy to enable one to use this energy to full potential.

They also agree wholeheartedly that attunement, which is the process of awakening the healing powers that forms the backbone of classes or courses for training can also happen remotely. So we have a situation where there is great demand for this healing art, an ability to train remotely, and vastly experienced masters who wish to make sure that those who want to be attuned get the best possible training. And we have the internet!

If you decide to learn Reiki with an online Reiki Course you will be able to be attuned to the three levels of Reiki inexpensively and receive exactly the same attunement as you would receive if attending face to face classes, plus receive a comprehensive manual and certificate if you wish to become a professional healer and charge money for your services.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people can enjoy Reiki Attunement from the comfort of their home. Thanks to so many Reiki masters that have strong believe that this amazing method can be spread online without sacrificing the quality whatsoever.Anyone who understands Reiki recognizes that Reiki can be transmitted over space, distance and time. All Reiki masters agree that distance Reiki healing is very powerful and an superb form of healing when face to face healing sessions are not doable. Distance Reiki can be sent across the world to heal world events and crisis as well. That is the basic premises of the online Reiki attunement.

As an example, here in Anacortes, Washington on Fidalgo Island, our students use Reiki for a variety of reasons: to raise their own electron's vibration closer to that of divine love, so people enjoy being near them more, so they can give Reiki to themselves to help heal issues and raise their level of divine energy higher and higher. Here in Washington State as most likely in other locations, once you become attuned to Reiki after a Reiki workshop, you can join in Reiki circles where practitioners give Reiki to each other.After a Reiki workshop or Reiki class where you become a certified Reiki practitioner, we believe that just your own higher energy field added to the Collective helps advance the planet and those around you. Plus, you can give Reiki to your plants, situations, pets, friends and family. You can be one more person helping us move from states of negativity to a new world. Those who've discovered how to become a Reiki practitioner sometimes gather together to do certain forms of "Reiki prayers" to send out good wishes to the world.

Reiki healers use their hands to heal their patients - their hands are considered as conduits for energy flow. The practitioner places his hands on the part of the body that needs the energy or healing, completing the circuit.There are already a number of schools offering Reiki classes. If you are interested in learning Reiki, you should first be familiar with the different types of it:

Usui- this is the original form of Reiki developed by Dr. Mikao Usui,Gendai - Gendai in English means modern. This is a form of Reiki that combines Usui Reiki with the current western concepts. Gendai Reiki is developed by Horoshi Doi of Japan.Rainbow - this form of Reiki is a combination of Usui, Shamanism, Mediation, Holistic Communication Sciences and so on.Karuna- this is a form of Reiki that is exclusive for masters and other lineages. Its literal translation means Reiki of Compassion.Gayatri- a form of healing combined with the 1,000 year old Gayatri Mantra

The practice of Reiki reduces stress and promotes healing and relaxation. The belief on the laying of hands and that the hands of the master can be instrument of healing has been known in most places. Reiki classes in Greenwich have been considered as conventional medicine because it offers a balance of traditional and complementary therapies to achieve a healthy body, mind and spirit. How the hands are positioned is based on the location of energy centers in the body known as the chakras. It is only the positive energy that surrounds the body, mind, spirit and cellular levels. Its soft and intense treatment works perfectly which can be felt by the patient immediately. It takes the client to its most serene level.

If you are a type of student who finds following rituals in a particular order more comfortable than otherwise, then a more symbolic-centric Reiki is more appropriate.Another thing to consider in choosing Reiki classes is the teacher's methodology. There are some teachers who consider the attunement process as something sacred and may not be open to revealing symbols to non-students. However, there are also other teachers who have a more open approach in their teachings. In enrolling for a particular Reiki class, ask and understand the methodology of the teacher that you will be learning from.

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