Shyness Or Social Anxiety Disorder

By Arthur M. Taylor

Most of us do not remember much about those early baby years, when life was simpler, reasons for confidence were plentiful, and negative temperaments were not so evident. Qualities like shyness, right and wrong behavior, and lack of confidence were not problems.The baby's sense of amazement and curiosity promotes healthy feelings such as confidence. As the years of negative thoughts and experiences influence you, those healthy thoughts are covered by anxiety, shyness, and fear. As a result, many adults are stuck with these negative traits caused by our external environment's effect on them.
[Social Anxiety]

Most of the people who suffer from social anxiety disorder remain aloof, and avoid social settings. Unfortunately, this can worsen their condition. By doing this they may be adding fuel to the fire, but some people feel that this may be the only solution available to them. If this type of avoidance goes on for a long time, it can create a feeling of distress in a suffering person. Learning to be comfortable in all kinds of social settings is the best way to "get your life back".

This irrational phobia causes sufferers to constantly worry about embarrassing themselves by doing or saying the wrong thing, or simply not fitting into a certain group of people. Actions such as eating or drinking in public, speaking to groups, going on dates, being the center of attention for whatever the reason, having to use public restrooms, and asking questions become almost impossible, eliciting many anxiety symptoms. Even talking on the telephone is a known trigger for those suffering from severe social anxiety, with texting and email a much more preferred method of communication. All of this affects a person's ability to lead a normal life, and can be accompanied by other psychological conditions such as depression, low self esteem and others.

Usually, the longer a client has had a poor view of himself and his internal self, the harder it can be to change it. That is why it is so imperative for people with a faulty perception to get help as soon as possible. The rate at which recovery takes place is often based on the person's willingness to be authentic, honest, and willing to dig deep into the past. When an individual can accept and appreciate their own significant self, they don't have to feel anxious about limitations in their life, fears in their future, or inability in their performance. Successful people have a self confidence in their life that is calm, sure, and naturally content.

The CBT helps in:Replacing all social anxiety triggers with positive thoughts leading to more stability in life,Learn ways to control all physical symptoms of social anxiety with various relaxation techniques and breathing exercises,Face various social situations in a systematic way, instead of avoiding them.Group therapy,Group therapy is a social anxiety disorder treatment which is sometimes used within CBT and includes observing, videotaping, acting, and even mock interviews in situations that people find anxious in the real world.

Social Anxiety-What It Is What happens when a person has social anxiety? This is a good question for anyone who feels they might have this issue or might know someone with it. Learning how to overcome it will come after the initial problem becomes understood.First off, a socially anxious person will feel anxious in these types of situations:Meeting new people,Being criticized,Having the center of attention,Doing an activity under surveillance,Meeting important or authoritative people,Being in a social situation, even with familiar people,Participating in group discussions,Engaging in close friendships or romantic situations

Slow Breathing:People who are suffering from social anxiety generally tend to breath quite quickly when they face a social situation and this results in other symptoms of anxiety and even makes the talking a little harder. You should talk normally and breathe properly. Don't rush into completing what you want to say, just be casual and finish without hurry.Keep your breathing under control.

The thoughts you think not only create your anxiety they can also be used to erase your anxiety. You can then use the thoughts in your mind to become more confident. Sounds a little odd right? Well what happens when you tell yourself not to do something? It happens right? Your body will react to whatever you tell yourself, your mind doesn't care whether your thoughts are not to do something or to do it. If you focus on something the body will react to the thoughts you are thinking.

How to Overcome Social Anxiety Using Hypnosis,Whether it is at the grocery store or in the office, the anxiety a person feels is a subconscious part of your brain taking over a person's actions. The stress associated with the situation causes the person to go into autopilot mode. This is when the strange reactions become visible to others, such as stuttered speech, quietness or hesitation.Hypnosis has the capability to make a person with social anxiety gain confidence. That's why hypnosis is a possible option for how to overcome social anxiety. Through proper treatment, it allows some people to view themselves differently or feel better about who they are. In order to do this, finding who you want to be is very important. So, that is the first step in hypnosis as therapy.Once you have found a hypnosis professional you feel comfortable with, you are one step closer to creating the person you would like to be.How to Overcome Social Anxiety On Your Own One option for hypnosis is to see a professional. Many people these days, especially with a difficult problem like social anxiety, feel they would like to take a crack at healing themselves.

Facing Your Fears:Most of the people with social anxiety find comfort in avoiding the social interactive situation and consider it far more suitable. But the fact remains the unchanged that as much time you will give your fear to stay, it will grow that much bigger.When you avoid a particular situation and run away from it, the same fear grows bigger in your mind and stays there until you eventually learn to face it. It will be easier if you start doing this in the beginning instead of just avoiding the social encounters with people. You can take small steps to doing this, if you avoid group conversations start to join them and then leave them after a few minutes, then over time as you start to gain confidence stay in them longer, maybe even start them. This is the same for going out.

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