Vital Information On Best Tanning Bed Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Getting a tan is the best thing for you if you do want to achieve a beautiful skin. As a matter of fact this is the method that was used by all those Egyptian and Roman princesses and queens in history books. However the method through which this is achieved is of a major concern especially in these times and ages. The most recommended one is Best Tanning Bed Lotion and after a few paragraphs you will realize why this is actually so.

The traditional method to getting a tan, the sun, was alleged to be the number one cause of cancer in the 60s. According to the scientists the Ozone layer, our only protection from the UV rays of the sun, was destroyed and allowed the rays to reach the earth. This led to the search for a safe alternative and ultimately the Best Tanning Bed Lotion was found.

However the world was already in the need for an alternative as sun basking had numerous disadvantages. For one you could not have a tan until the summer was here. This meant one had to wait for 3 full seasons, a thing that could be frustrating even to the most patient tan desirers. It is only with the Best Tanning Bed Lotion that an all year round tan can be realized.

Another shortcoming of the popular method of tanning was that it took a very long time to get the tan. If you wanted the tan so badly you had to lie in the sun for hours on end and also risk sunburns while you were at it. With the Best Tanning Bed Lotion however you get your tan in a maximum of four hours no matter what shade you want and you are guaranteed of no sunburns.

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether the Best Tanning Bed Lotion is harmful to our skins in the long run. The answer is no. Best Tanning Bed Lotion has an active ingredient called dihydroxyacetone or DHA. This is actually a colorless sugar that reacts naturally to the skin cells to produce a bronze color that is the tan.

An often asked question about the Best Tanning Bed Lotion is whether it is entirely harmless, the answer is yes. The active ingredient in Best Tanning Bed Lotion is known as the dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This is a colorless sugar which reacts entirely naturally with amino acids with the skin cell to create a bronze color that is the tan. Numerous skin health institutions like the Skin Cancer Foundation have approves it use in the self tanning products. Thus neither DHA nor the Best Tanning Bed Lotion are harmless.

Also the Best Tanning Bed Lotion has a couple of advantages over the other self-tan products that are in the market. For one, Best Tanning Bed Lotion is oil free, lightweight and mess free. It will not leave dirt on your white shirts, fade or change its color. It also has no smell at all.

Although the Best Tanning Bed Lotion achieves its intended purpose of beautifying your skin flawlessly it does not stop there. Best Tanning Bed Lotion also moisturizes and protects the skin due to its Vitamin A, C and E constituents. The Best Tanning Bed Lotion will also lead to your having a shiny radiantly glowing skin. A regular use will do that to your skin whole year round.

Using the Best Tanning Bed Lotion is one of the most brilliant and safe ideas you might make this year. Just remember that getting a tan is not worth cancer risks or fast wrinkles. Get the Best Tanning Bed Lotion today, it is for your own good.

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