Learning How The Mind Works Can Work For You

By Eric L. Miller

A Tale of Two Cities, the most printed original English book, starts with the following words, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way."
[How The Mind Works]

Your left brain works with logic, words, parts and specifics, analysis of situations in detail, and sequential thinking. The left brain interestingly enough has a sense of time and a sense of your goals correlated with your position in relation to those goals. Talk about a finely tuned instrument. The left brain also governs/runs the right side of your body.

It is a well-known fact that if we ask twenty persons to describe an incident that just happened, we'll get twenty different versions of the same incidence. The reason for that is that our reality is highly skewed by our internal bank of references.

Brain functions can be broken down even further into what does each side of the brain to task wise. So let's take a look at what the left side does.The left side of your brain deals with tasks like being logical, sequential, analytical, objective, focus and details, and numbers. So if you happen to be bad in math, blame the left side of your brain - or the right for not governing the numbers part of you. The right side of your brain deals with tasks like being intuitive. Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. It also deals with colors, rhythm, and the overall picture, pictures and is random.

For hundreds of years the field of psychology tried to find a way to change emotions and behavior. The methods devised made great theories, but never really resulted in much change. Some of the theories made a lot of sense, but practice didn't seem to yield any results. The advocates of different psychological theories over the past hundred years spent more time arguing over theories than trying to find something that really worked. It took up until the late 1970s before a model that was actually useful and practical was devised.

Those beliefs can be accurate, irrelevant or simply false but they have an almost total hold on the way that we comprehend our reality. It's as if we had been hypnotized to accept those beliefs and forced to see a reality that is in complete concordance with those beliefs.

If there is any doubt about the veracity of that theory, we only have to look at the way that most extremists of the Christian and Muslim worlds see each others to understand that it is sadly so. Fundamental beliefs have the power to so hopelessly distort reality that it becomes unrecognizable.

You now know the brain is divided into two hemispheres and that each specializes in different functions, processes different kinds of information and deals with different problems. Left works with logic and analysis, the right with emotions and imagination.Let's put that into perspective when thinking about customers.

Thankfully, man is the most adaptable of all creatures. It can compose with what is not so and it can create a reality that is not real. We can live and function in a world of our own creation. We can see light where there is darkness and see truth where falsehood reigns. We are indeed a most amazing breed.Taking a glimpse at the way our mind function will not change anything much. But, it might explain our inconsistencies and the paradoxes that we see all around us. It can also explain why some of our actions and behavior don't always get the expected results. At any rate, knowledge is always superior to crass ignorance.

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