Daily Affirmations - How Can We Use Daily Affirmations To Achieve Total Happiness?

By Larry D. Holder

Daily affirmations are statements that state a positive outlook in life. These statements enhance self-esteem and mindset when they are uttered and remembered every day. There are a lot of individuals who have negative thoughts entering their minds which give negative energy in their lives. To counteract such bad vibes, it is best to think of positive thoughts and exhibit a good attitude. This will help get rid of negativity.

Daily affirmations should be about things that are essential to you. These things should be about love, romance, health, weight, love, peace, romance and abundance. When you have problems or issues regarding these matters, it is best to tackle them one at a time instead of tackling them all at once. By having positive thoughts in trying to solve one issue at a time, you will arrive at proper solutions.Every day, have one positive thought in your mind. You can do this while taking your lunch, driving your car, walking to the office or swimming. Never let a day pass by without thinking of positive thoughts. As you look at yourself in the mirror, remind yourself of your blessings. Your positive affirmations must make you feel content as well as good inside.

In order for positive daily affirmations to be successful, you must use a time reference in them. This can be as specific as you want, but it sets a specific goal to be achieved at a set time. When deciding that you want your statement to be true right now, tell yourself that NOW is the time that it is. In the example, the time designation is "am". That shows that the statement is true right now, not some ambiguous time in the future, or even some time in the past. It isn't going to help you to know that you were an influence yesterday, it is critical to know that you right now, you are an influence. If you do decide that you want to use a time in the future, make it deadline, be as specific as possible. Compare these two statements: "I will be rich" and "Before I am 25 years old, I will have thousands of dollars in my bank account". Both of those statements say the same thing. However, by changing the time frame in the second statement from "will" to "before I am 25", you have given yourself a goal and a length of time to achieve that goal rather than just a time in the future. Time definitions are important in your positive daily affirmations.

When you create positive affirmations in your thoughts and statements, your mind and feelings are improved. You will also develop self-confidence. Always aim for the present and not only for the future. When you have positive affirmations, you will steer your life into a good direction. People who have positive thoughts regularly experience insightful and intense results in their life.Every day, think positive thoughts about the area of your life that you want to improve. You can focus on your career, family, love, health or status in life. Think of good affirmations in these areas and you will see them improving in the future.

You can write positive thoughts and say them aloud. This will remind you about them and will keep you in a good mood always. Make sure that you concentrate on the present. Instead of saying you will have a fulfilling life, tell yourself you are already living a fulfilling life. You can write down these thoughts in post-its and place them on the refrigerator, mirror or in your room where you could see them. You can also be more creative by recording yourself as you utter these positive thoughts so that you will remember them and feel good as you listen to them. A favorite daily affirmation of mine comes from Charles Haanel's book The Master Key System which reads as follows: I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.I believe it is really important to have daily affirmations written down. On preferably on 3 X 5" index cards. To help keep them neat looking. Place them somewhere, where it reminds you to read them out loud. With lots of enthusiasm!

You can have written down your goals on 3 X 5" cards, and look at them daily. By reading them out loud, everyday, with lots of enthusiasm, it helps to strongly place them into the subconscious mind. When something is in the subconscious mind, it's believed that the subconscious mind helps us with what we continually affirm out loud, with lots of excitement.Also by saying daily affirmations, over, and over, and over again, it helps to build confidence in us. I can't stress enough, the importance of daily affirmations, over the long run. For as we thinketh, we become.

One affirmation that I believe helps to improve one's self-esteem, over time, is the repetitive affirmation of "I like myself!" I suggest using that one, writing it down, and saying it out loud with good emotions, a lot daily. That one I suggest saying around sixty times daily with positive emotion.Another affirmation I like is "I feel great!" That one, I believe can make one feel better, and improve confidence over time. I suggest saying that one several times daily.Here's yet another affirmation to use, "I am confident". By saying it out loud daily, with positive emotion, and acting like we are confident, if we aren't yet, I believe that can help one to become more confident. Also by visualizing yourself as being confident, and feeling grateful, and thankful for it, and all other good things. Also act as if whatever you want, as if you already have it, because I believe that helps to put it deeper into the subconscious mind.

When I first started studying about affirmations over a decade ago, I was skeptical of them, but after time I started seeing real good positive results. That's where the practice of hope, and faith can come begin it, until one has a knowledge of something that's effective through repetitive use.I suggest even writing some daily affirmations on the mirror in the bathroom at home, because so it can be seen daily, and I encourage you to read the daily affirmations daily out loud.For self-esteem, and for, I believe, to do things really effectively, a person's self-esteem, plays a big part. One affirmation that I believe also helps to do that, is the daily affirmation "I am number one!"

One of the key benefits of positive daily affirmations is that you will draw like-minded people to you. An interesting exercise to do sometime is watch two different people interact. If one has positive thoughts in their mind, while the other has negative thoughts, the negative thinking person will tend to walk away from the positive thinker. This is a classic case of the old adage "misery loves company". The truth of the matter is that if a person is unhappy, generally they don't want to be around people who are happy. However, other people who use positive daily affirmations will group together since they all share a positive outlook on things. This entire group of people will draw off of the positive energy of each other, in turn strengthening their own good feelings. Before long, you have an entire group of people using positive daily affirmations that are walking around in a virtual euphoria.

Remember, it is believed that the more positive, enthusiastic the emotions are when the affirmations are repeated out loud, the quicker it goes to the subconscious mind.I believe the subconscious mind, is like a large computer, (but way better) that is always working, always thinking. Why don't you take more advantage of it, and use daily affirmations, if you don't already do so? What do you want? What weaknesses do you want to be made stronger? Write them down as daily affirmations, and persevere, and never give up! Remember, to write your affirmations in the affirmations as if you already possessed, what you want. For whatever traits you already possess, I believe they can be made even better through the daily affirmations done the right way.The subconscious mind is more open to suggestions right after a person wakes up, and right before they go to sleep. Those are actually the best times to say the daily affirmations, because of that.

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