Assessing Port Charlotte Mental Health Services

By Eliza Mendoza

The Port Charlotte mental health services of Florida are unique in one respect. They have a system hooked to the court system that allows persons with emotional disorders that have been arrested to receive treatment rather than be incarcerated. This is a volunteer program designed to keep persons who are diagnosed by doctors as having alcohol, drug or emotional problems from spending time in jail when they can use this program to make major changes in their lives.

Through this program many people have successfully made transitions from repeated jail stays to being a productive citizen in the community. This team of judges, state attorneys, probation and medical experts identify and offer the treatment program to individuals who qualify. The success rate is very high and this leads to a low rate of recidivism.

Their goals are to intervene for the accused and ensure that they receive treatment that is best suited to ensure both the public and the mentally ill are safely dealt with. They work to help provide counseling and other medical solutions in the least restrictive manner available for the accused. This also serves to prevent the defendants who have minor violations from languishing in jail when they should be getting treatment.

Another approach with a high success record is the drop in program where people who are experiencing discomfort can come in to spend time with their peers. The peer contact allows them to know that they are not alone and allows them to learn from the experiences of others about how to cope with the issues at hand. This program is nearly all on a volunteer basis and also allows student nurses a perfect place to complete their internships.

The drop in group allows the clients to be involved with their recovery. It gives them back the right to be self determinant and work towards their dreams and hopes. They work to allow the clients to be free from dependency towards other people or the program. The medical staff is devoted to presenting a far more caring atmosphere than the average clinic.

In and around the city you can find clinics that conform to the more accepted concept of clinics for the mentally ill. They have several programs that deal with children and parenting but also they deal with mental illness and alcohol and drug addiction. Most of the patients at these clinics are dealt with on an outpatient basis but they do have inpatient treatment for those who need it.

Some of the clinics offer case management for their clients. The case manager assists them with accessing services outside the clinical atmosphere. They also check on the client at least once a month to ensure they are doing well. The frequency of the home visits is dependent upon the severity of the clients' diagnosis and progress made with recovery.

One of the most important issues in cities is the mentally ill sector of the population and it is also one of the most under reported and untreated issues. Port Charlotte mental health services are making headway towards solving the problem of getting treatment to the ones who need it. Whether it is through the judicial system or with drop in clinics and medical settings this city can and does offer assistance regardless of your ability to pay.

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