Therapists Must Be Qualified To Use Hypnosis For Sleep Disorders

By Michael Corrano

The act of a magician hypnotizing someone from the audience is nothing like the therapeutic use today. It was silly, while hypnotherapy can actually help people. A qualified therapist will be qualified to Use Hypnosis for Sleep Disorders.

Psychotherapists take continuing education courses to prepare to practice hypnotherapy. It is in addition to their doctoral or masters degrees. By asking the client to relax and concentrate only on his or her voice, it is possible to induce the hypnotic trance state that will make the therapy successful.

From the Greek language, hypnosis is the word for sleep. The trance state greatly enhances suggestibility and the individual is open to direction. Questions are asked about the possible cause of the insomnia and information is gained to help overcome it.

Addictions of all kinds are treatable, from obesity to insomnia. It is the safest way to counsel drug addicts. Since they are susceptible to addiction, it may not be feasible to use prescription drugs to replace the illegal ones.

Inducing the feeling of complete relaxation can open the client to suggestions that will help overcome insomnia. Each year, millions of individuals suffer from sleeplessness. Their minds will not allow them to drift off.

While he is in the hypnotic state, the therapist will make suggestions geared to overcome the insomnia. He may be directed to fall asleep as soon as he gets into bed each night. This medication free mode of therapy has been successful in doing just that for many people.

Only small research studies have been conducted into the benefits of hypnotherapy. However, there has been a favorable result and further research is indicated. One scientist separated the people into two groups. There were those who were basically daydreamers and fantasized over imaginary friends in childhood.

The second group had dissociative disorder. The term used to be multiple personality disorder. They entered the trance state most easily. Among them were those with post traumatic stress disorder. They were almost as receptive to the process.

Therapists have used this tool and it has shown positive results. Someone planning to undergo this therapy should have a physical check-up prior to starting it. If the cause is physical, as it is in sleep apnea for example, hypnotherapy is not advisable.

It is a useful tool when administered by a qualified hypnotherapist. It works by helping the individual to focus on things other than those that cause anxiety. When he or she stops worrying about unavoidable stress, it makes it easier to doze off.

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