Oculus VR: Can An Internet Marketing Company Focus On It?

By Robbie Sutter

Last month, Facebook was able to secure Oculus VR, the company that has been responsible for the underground device known as the Oculus Rift. More specifically, this device is a head-mounted entity that promotes virtual reality and video games brought together. As intriguing as this device is, in design, the news of the acquisition in question garnered something of a mixed response amongst the public. It is a story that, in my opinion, any Internet marketing company can focus on and, hopefully, offer a unique take as well.

One of the greatest criticisms that I have seen about Facebook's acquisition of Oculus VR is that the focus will be on social media to a fault. Those who have backed the Oculus Rift in the first place were, primarily, gamers and most of these individuals do not care about networking features. They simply want to experience what can be brought to the table in terms of game play. There is a tremendous amount of concern over this but is it an aspect that is warranted to the perspective of an Internet marketing company?

Another reason why this news earned such a tremendous backlash was because of the fact that the Oculus Rift was funded through Kickstarter at the onset. Those who were interested in the product put forth money and once the goal was reached, the backers were promised their rewards. When the news of Facebook's purchase of Oculus VR came into being, many individuals stopped and asked something along the lines of, "Why did we even bother?" I do not think that this is an entirely founded claim.

If anything, I am of the opinion that authorities like fishbat will see this acquisition as a positive more so than a negative. Keep in mind that while Facebook is very much a networking-focused entity, it also has a tremendous amount of money, which can then be applies to the Oculus Rift in order to speed up its production. After all, it is still very much in the developmental phase. I have to believe that this was done in order to get the product out sooner and I am sure that any Internet marketing company would agree.

Hopefully this means that the more that Facebook backs Oculus VR, the sooner that the virtual reality device is able to make its way into stores as well as the hands of backers. I have seen the Oculus Rift and it is, in a word, impressive. It gives me hope that gaming can develop over the course of time and become an even more engaging experience than it ever was before. I have to believe that, with this news, it will do the Oculus Rift a world of good.

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