Helpful Tips On How To Make Good Friends

By Sharron Cantu

Human beings have a natural tendency to want to develop a special bond with individuals in their life. There are instances where it's not so easy to make friends, mainly for the simple fact that one doesn't know how. Some individuals are very shy, and may be uncertain about how to approach another individual. Sometimes confidence is a factor. But, here are some helpful tips on how to make good friends.

When it comes to developing relationships, having the right environment is important. Look for opportunities to meet other people. This can simply be by finding a table with one or two individuals present in the workplace. Sometimes finding a huge crowd is not always the answer. People can usually get to know one another better in a smaller setting.

Clubs or organizations often make a great place to formulate friendships. Sometimes individuals that have absolutely nothing in common become the best of friends. Others may find friends on social networks just by chit-chatting. Church is also a common place for friendships to develop due to sharing the same faith as a point of commonality.

Knowing how to communicate is an important step in friendship. Learning how to start a conversation, make eye contact, and look approachable is important. Learn how to give compliments, or maybe even ask for help. Conversations may blossom with the simplest statements. When a conversation ends, then one should introduce themselves. So, the next time the individual sees that person, they will impress them with simple facts they remembered from their last conversation.

Now that the ice has been broken, initiate a get together. That can be simply getting a bite to eat, or doing something of like interest. It's hard to move into friendship if a person never goes beyond chit chat. This can simply be by saying, "I've got an appointment, but if you ever want to get together, here's my phone number and email address."

Learning not to pressure a person is good advice when it comes to building friendships. Relationships need to run their course, without being forced. When an individual is forced into something too soon, catastrophe is soon to follow. Putting unnecessary pressure on someone often brings about stress as well as regret.

Being loyal is a great way to build a friendship that lasts. It means being with someone in the good times and the bad times. It doesn't matter what type of negative situation that they're in, because a great acquaintance doesn't pass judgement. They are always there for support. They are trustworthy. When they say they're going to be somewhere, they are sure to show up. Good friends don't leave their buddies waiting without giving them the simple courtesy of a phone call.

Being someone that is trustworthy as well as a good listener, makes a great recipe for lasting relationship. Being able to share intimate details about personal things in ones life without fear of them being repeated, is priceless. Friendship is a two way process in which there is a give and take from both individuals. It is also a relationship in which everybody wins in the end.

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