The Christian View On Psychic Readings

By Tanisha Berg

It is basically human nature to love excitement. As you can see, humans cannot bear to swallow mysteries. That is why there are so many researches done to know things. You would even be shocked to see how heated the pursuit of man is about where he came from. With this, you can already understand a bit of how things turn out to be so interesting for people.

Not to mention, if the matter concerns personal objectives, there will be no doubt if man actually finds interest. Due to this, some endeavors which can tell of what man wants to know have been devised. One very popular activity related to this is the psychic readings. If you can notice today, many people believed in engagements such as this. Especially those who are desperate.

Now, speaking of psychic activities, it is basically a practice of discerning information by making use of perceptive abilities or the natural perceptions of human senses such as taste, touch, sound, sight, and instinct. These natural extensions as they call it, are basically claimed to be clairvoyance or vision, clainsentinence or feeling, claircognisance or factual knowing, and clairaudience or hearing.

Basically, these engagements are linked to paranormal activities which means that they are making use of both natural and supernatural means to perform their practices. Well, some answers they give have borne fruit though. But even with such claim, even extensive experiments did not find any precognitive proof that can support such happenings.

Due to such output, it has been considered a psuedoscience. But still, even if it were, some people still clung to it, believing that all the claims which psychics provide them has some truth to it. Because of this, several denominations considered it as a taboo. One of the most vocal to it is the Christian denomination.

Basically, Christians took the practice of psychic reading to be against their faith. This conclusion is basically based on the claim of the Bible which condemns strongly the practice of spiritism as well as occult practices. So speaking of this, anything of the sort which belongs to astrology, horoscopes, tarot cards, palm readings, as well as seances are all forbidden.

However, such endeavors claimed to be of help to people who get them claiming that such practice will be able to help them know themselves better, and what will happen to them in the future. But given this notion, Christians considered it as a violation to the will of God. For them, it is defying God and taking control of ones own life.

But people are after all humans who are also bound to the pleasures of the world. And this is the reason why even among Christians, you can still find some who break the rules and violate the teachings of their religion. Given the toughness of life, desperate individuals take these engagements as their hope when they do not want to accept reality.

Usually, people avail of the service of psychics by paying a fee. But this activity has already even expanded. Right now, you cannot just find them in booths anymore. You can even avail of it through the telephone or through online already. Given such, it has become easier to avail and can draw interested individuals to try it.

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