Factors To Consider When Choosing A Major

By Jocelyn Davidson

Going to college is a great achievement for anyone. However, it is also a difficult yet critical time since you are choosing a major. Majors are important as they shape the path that your career will take. For other students, they pick an area to specialize in because it is what they are interested in and would like to learn more about the subject.

Students may choose areas of specialization just to learn more and not prepare them for a career. A history student for example, does not have to be a historian despite being so knowledgeable in the subject. After school, they will have gained skills to help them secure a job else where. Majors which are tied to careers on the other hand, include medicine and engineering. These seek to equip with skills about the career.

Several things have to be considered in order to pick the right area to specialize in. The interest of the student is the first factor. The student needs to be passionate about what they want to specialize in. Sometimes, this is identified by people around them. For example, a student who loves to help others with class work may opt to specialize in education.

Another way to determine what to specialize is through talks with seniors, friends and career masters. Friends matter because they are aware of things about you which you may not necessarily know. They may not be straight forward in giving you options but general pointers will be given. Career masters and guides have information regarding the type of careers available and they are able to match them with your strengths or weaknesses.

Seniors or upper classmen are ahead of you and have made the major decision already. There is a lot one can learn from their mistakes, success stories and experiences. Your story does not have to be like theirs but learning from their mistakes is great. Professionals in the area of specialization to pursue provide insight into the real aspect of the career.

The syllabus of the subject of interest to you could also be an eye opener. Go through assignments, course contents and books. If the content is interesting then naturally you will want to know more. If it is lengthy and boring then it is not for you. The physical location of the college offering the course is important since there are costs incurred with relocation.

It is easy to disregard job and salary potential when making this important decision. However, it is important that you major in something where you can easily get a job employed or self employed. However, do not go for the top paying college subjects which do not match your passion, interest, hobbies or skill. Affordability and means of financing are also important aspects to consider.

Finally, it is not a life and death matter. If the major selected does not turn out well there is the option of switching careers or going back to school. What is important is to do what you love and what resembles your after college dream. The skills and ability should also be a match.

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