Problems Facing Teenagers Today That Should Be Collectively Addressed

By Jocelyn Davidson

The challenges that are faced by the teens are many and even are life threatening. The influence and impact of the threats they face are largely resultant on the place they live or the environments that they expose themselves to on a regular day basis. A parent championed approach is usually the best way to apply preventive measures on the numerous problems facing teenagers today.

Despite all these positive advancements, teens nowadays are faced with more complex challenges than those previously. A large number of these problems that face teenagers today are behavioral. There are undeniably lots of factors that influence this incidences but these behaviors are mostly influenced by them themselves.

The media is a constant presence that revolves around a teen who is less preoccupied with much in life and thus relies heavily on all its forms for entertainment. They expose themselves to media such as the television, videos, video games, music, books, magazines as well as newspapers. The media nowadays has harmful effects to teens. Those who watch too much television usually have poorer vocabulary and perform dismally in class.

Indulgence in activities such as drinking, smoking or playing more of computer games. The harmful dimension of this will be when they eventually become addicted to these non-productive methods that will preoccupy their time. These new habits can result in a deterioration in their health.

Once they feel that they are not appreciated and adequately loved at home they will run to peers who will act as compensate for the parental loss in their lives. It will be really unfortunate if the new peers they acquire are members are badly cultured. This means that the teen is more susceptible to make decisions that are more influenced by the society they are exposed to.

A major exposure the young ones are open to is indulgence in underage sex. There has been a proven link between teen alcoholism and sex. The television also plays a role in promotion of the same. If not well mentored they may be indulging in unprotected intercourse.

A lot of stereotyping in the mass media of the type of people who can be successful in society brings about frustrations to those who feature in neither of the categories. Lack of a parental figure is usually one of the major contributions to teenage depression especially where they feel downtrodden and unappreciated. They usually get the perception that the best way to get the world attention is to take their own life.

Exposure to alcohol and illegal drugs has been highest more than ever. Early drinking is a major determinant in them engaging in irresponsible sexual behavior, motor-vehicle accidents and possibilities of picking up the habit continuously in their future life. An increase in non-alcoholic drug use is also on the rise. It is astonishing that drugs like marijuana are no longer considered as dangerous drugs. In fact teen perceptions on its risks are almost non existent nowadays.

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