Various Perceptions And Realities Of Workers Who Have Undergone Cleaning Training

By Dean Smith

Individual perceptions of people who work as custodial workers may vary widely, but there are some common perceptions worth examining. An individual who is thinking about cleaning training may have some concerns about these common perceptions. Taking an in-depth look at such perceptions could be useful.

A comment about child labor regulations, made by Newt Gingrich in 2011, outraged many American people. A New York Times article suggested that his opinion about poor children potentially working janitor jobs was viewed by many as inappropriate. A person who works in such a position might not view that infamous statement as offensive, however.

In past decades, the economic foundation and social structure were largely based on jobs that required hard labor. Millions of individuals provided food and homes for their families, by working in manual labor positions. The workforce dynamic in general began to shift when labor jobs were given to people in other countries, and as technology jobs became more accessible. The ways that many individuals perceived cleaners or custodians might have changed at that point, also.

A janitor might clear away a wide range of public messes, but not all people are aware of this fact. The janitor who cleans an office might be perceived as inferior on a social scale, to some of the people who work in that office. Some individuals might simply be curious about the tasks associated with cleaners jobs, especially if they have never known people who have worked at cleaning jobs.

An airline pilot might not be aware of the job requirements of the janitorial staff at the airport. However, a district attorney might have done custodial work to pay for law school. A pediatrician could have had a parent who cleaned the lobby of a local hospital.

Just as the perceptions of and details related to such jobs can vary, the people who perform them also vary. There may not be one particular profile of a custodial worker or cleaner, but such individuals may possess certain common traits. According to research done at Clemson University, in South Carolina, the personality profile of a janitorial worker could be consistent with that of an individual who does not require much interpersonal contact, in order to thrive.

Many people who work in such jobs are satisfied with working with few or no coworkers. This could mean that a person who works as a custodian is apt to have an independent nature. The same type of person who does freelance work, or who works in a science lab, might well be found vacuuming the floors of an office, after the other workers there have gone home for the day.

Different people may have a broad variety of realities and opinions. Many individuals are delighted to secure any employment they can get, in the present culture of challenging economic times. Plenty of people who apply to be janitors must now provide resumes to prospective employers. In some cases, this might mean that those who have cleaner training are more likely to gain employment and respect.

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