How A Kent WA Chiropractic Office Helps Auto Accident Injury Sufferers With Pain

By Clayton Maske

A driver or passenger in a car may be involved in an automobile accident. It can result in an injury that causes significant pain. Pain can result in the inability to work. Help is available at Kent Chiropractic for individuals living in the area.

Step one towards pain reduction is calling to make an appointment. During your first office visit your injury will be thoroughly evaluated. A discussion and physical exam will help to clarify the source of pain.

The area of concern is examined and the place where the pain originates is identified. Range-of-motion, the way you walk and your reflexes are usually tested. In many cases an x-ray will help to make a thorough assessment.

Manual adjustments to the spine are the major method of care in many cases. If appropriate, your chiropractor will schedule a series of office appointments to administer them. Adjunctive care, mild exercise or massage for example, are some possible additions.

The spine extends from the base of the skull down to the lower back. If the seven vertebrae located in the neck are harmed it is often due to whiplash. This injury is caused by the rapid jerking motion forward and backward that occurs in a rear-end collision.

Even at a low speed the rear-end collision can cause a whiplash injury. It is a painful injury that can interfere with the ability to work. It can be impossible to turn the head from one side to the other.

The traditional method of care is a series of manual adjustments. A cervical collar is sometimes used to stabilize the head for a few days. A lack of movement, for example sitting immobile for a week, is not advisable.

Your chiropractor will give advice on how long to rest and whether or not to exercise. Office visits will be devoted to manual adjustments to alleviate the hurt. The ultimate goal is usually a return to the workplace as well as recreational activities you once enjoyed.

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