The Method For Finding Happiness Through Gratitude

By Janine Hughes

According to ancestors of the world, it is healthy for one to be thankful for others in order to have a better life. They say that positive energy begets positive energy which is why if one is always positive about his life, he will be much happier with himself. Of course the best way to gain a lot of positive energy would be in finding happiness through gratitude because the more one is thankful, the happier he is.

According to psychologists who study the psychological effect being grateful has on humans, they have found out that the ones who were more thankful had better moods than those who were not. People grateful for their lives were found to be in general more optimistic and enthusiastic. Those who were not, were found to be less likely to be satisfied in life and even had the tendency to become more depressed.

Now in order to become thankful for everything, one has to first stop taking even the most simple things for granted in his life. Whether this may be food, money, loved ones, or family, one should always count his blessings. So in order to stop this, one has to think about how lucky he actually is for the good things that are around him and helping him cope with his life.

Now a very good exercise that one can try would be to imagine not having all the important things that are in his life like his shelter or all of his spare money. Slowly, he should then imagine losing more important things to him like his sight or any of his body parts. If he does this, he can actually realize that his life is not so bad and that he should have a lot to be thankful for.

Another thing that one can do would be to write a gratitude journal. Now this is one of the best ways to be grateful because this way, one can just refer back to his journal whenever he is feeling stressed or if he is feeling like the world is crashing down on him. He will actually feel that he still has hope and will eventually become more optimistic with his life and can carry on.

Now as he is tuning his mind to become more positive, he also has to make sure that the negative thoughts go out. One thing that he absolutely must do is stop with all his complaining and his gossiping about people. Of course this way, his concentration will not be on the negative aspects of life but the positive ones.

Of course the main thing that one should do in order to be happy would be to live a simple life. Living a simple life does not mean depriving oneself of the luxuries of life but it means being contented with everything he has. Having a little bit more would then be considered as a bonus. So if one would have that kind of mindset, then he will definitely take a load off of his back.

So for those who are in the pursuit of happiness, this is one of the ways there. Of course being grateful is one of the ingredients. This is a tried tested and trusted method.

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