The Power Of Various Churches Homa-Bay

By Elaine Guthrie

The church is a central part of the lives of people residents of Homa-Bay County in Kenya. This sphere is dominated by three churches Homa-Bay that determine the direction of social life in this region. Seventh Day Adventists take up a majority stake with Catholic Church coming second and Anglican Church of Kenya taking position three in terms of numbers. It is worth noting the rise of Legio Maria and Muslim faith in the area.

The influence of faith can be felt in their day to day lives. Most of the schools in this area are faith based. They are constructed and run by church organizations. Though this does not affect their curriculum, it has a significant influence on perceptions among the populace. Residents easily identify with denominations that sponsor their education.

The influence of church organizations can be felt in health care provision. Homa-Bay County is one of the areas that suffered heavily from the Aids scourge. A large population of inhabitants is either affected or infected. The number of orphans is significantly high for a region where poverty is their main stay. The intervention of religious organizations in providing health care cements their influence on local populations.

Being a receptive community, the people have warmed up to evangelical denominations and biblical ministries. This has seen a rise in ministry based evangelical centers. They are making a foray into areas that were dominated by mainstream churches. With inhabitants being very religious, they are warming up to the nature of worship by the evangelical movement.

The role of the church in politics cannot go unnoticed. With Seventh Day Adventist being the largest religious group in terms of numbers, it has a significant influence in politics. The other religious groups with tipping power in politics are the Catholic Church and Anglican Church of Kenya. Their dominance follows a similar order. The numbers do not favor the other denominations enough to influence elective politics.

A native church called Legio Maria has managed to capture the religious imagination of locals in this vast county. Their form of worship combines Dholuo traditions with Christianity. Their influence is growing by the day. With Luo being a highly religious society, they are receptive to any ministry that will provide hope. It is worth noting that every household subscribes to one religious denomination or the other.

Christ Faith Evangelical Church Homa-Bay Kenya is considered among the fastest growing evangelical ministries. It has managed to capture the imagination of locals with its animated form of worship that also involves vigorous dancing and drumming. It appeals to the cultural dances and way of life for the locals.

There are no distinct addresses that would guide you to any church considering the mapping deficits in rural areas. It is largely rural and therefore does not have a clear address system. However, some of the modern churches and evangelical groups working in the area can be seen on social media while others have active websites. The people in this area are very receptive to church organizations and ready to listen to the good news.

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