The Importance Of Christ Faith Evangelical Church Ministries

By Phyllis Schroeder

Matters to do with spirituality have been taken seriously since time immemorial. This is because whatever that happens in the spiritual realm directly influences what happens in the physical world. Therefore, as a responsible person who wants to achieve a life that will amaze people, make a choice to live your life in the way and manner that God desires. It will be important to visit the Christ faith evangelical church and know more about its history, vision and mission.

Believers have a difficult time trying to identify the genuine churches within the country. This is because many fake pastors have been exploiting the gullible Christians. This is happening so much and you must be careful when selecting your pastor. The Holy Spirit should be your counselor. There are many churches in Homa-Bay Kenya and you will need to choose one of them. The spirit of God will guide you on what to do in order to achieve desirable results. On top of that, you should put the following factors into consideration.

The first aspect should be the location of the Christian community. You should choose a place of worship that is close to your residence. This is so that you are able to attend all services without being late.

When you recognize your past sinful life and repent, your sins are forgiven and you begin a totally new life. Your life should include the following practices. The gospel can never leave you the same way that it found you. It will cause you to change your habits and be a person that the society looks up to. The people who knew you when you were in sin will be surprised when they find that your life has turned around.

Apart from attending the sermons faithfully, you should follow the practices below so that you remain strong in Christianity. The first practice is to read the scriptures and internalize what they say. Remember to seek the help of fellow believers whenever you need clarification.

Invest much of your money in things that will benefit the kingdom of God. Contribute towards helping the needy in society. You should as well identify ways in which you can nourish your soul. This means that you need to buy books that elaborate on Christianity matters. There are many areas that writers focus on because they want you to find a solution to your problems. You need information on marriages, relationships, finances, career and spiritual maturity.

When you start attending the weekly sermons, you will meet new people and be friends with them. Such friendship is quite important because you will always be surrounded by people who know and honor the Great I am. If you are a new believer, the saved friends will mentor you and encourage you to overcome various obstacles in life.

If you observe all the traditions and trust God, he will protect and guide you. Never stop going to fellowship because God will speak to you through the pastor. The pastor is anointed to speak and interpret prophecies which are meant for you. If along the way you realize that the spiritual leader does not obey the voice of God, it is wise to look for an alternative worship center. You must act fast for the sake of your faith. You have the obligation to keep growing spiritually and drawing closer to the Almighty.

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