Eat These Veggies to Burn Fat!

Would you believe that you can actually burn fat by eating certain vegetables? It is true! The more you learn about nutrition and how to eat, the faster you can get rid of those ugly love handles and get a flat, firm, stomach!

Did you know that you burn fat when you drink ice water? Well, it is actually true, and is just one of many things that I have learned in my quest for the body I had when I was 18!
As we age it becomes harder for us to lose weight as our hormones in our bodies are not being produced in the same amounts as when we were young. I used to be able to lose five pounds by just cutting sweets out of my diet, but now it takes a lot more effort! I have been trying to educate myself on eating and how to exercise to lose weight and become more toned up overall and of course, to have a flat firm stomach!

We have many things such as certain chemicals in our food supply and environment that have hormonal effects on our bodies. This problem can increased belly fat in both men and women! These chemicals have an estrogenic effect inside our bodies.

So what do you do to avoid eating food that is supposed to be good for you, fresh fruits and vegetables that have been exposed to pesticides, herbicides and petrochemicals? The world we live in today, even if you are buying organic food (and spending the extra money for it) it is almost impossible that you don't pick up at least some degree of daily exposure. These chemicals are even in our cleaning products and cosmetics!

Try starting with eating these vegetables. They will help you to lose stomach fat and promote lean muscle growth. One of the most powerful classes of veggies that promote fat loss are vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, and cabbage. These vegetables are used in many cultures and are also known as "cross vegetables" as they grow in the form of a cross!

This is just a preview of a different approach that I have learned from my associate who is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer. If you hate exercise and diets, you can certainly obtain and be happy with the way your body looks without them. Here is some more strange things I have learned:
Doing sit ups and crunches are not the most effective exercise for a flat and firm tummy! How is that for Good News!! A short, full body exercise program can be much more effective.

I hope this article has given you some insight and inspiration to go ahead and get your six pack abs!
I came across this book called the 31 Day Fat Loss Diet or How to get 6 pack abs. I went ahead and purchased it, and I am so glad I did. It made what I eat and how I exercise change forever! Go to my blog and fill out the form with your first name and email. I will send you a complimentary e-book and some messages about getting your body toned up!
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