Herbs Against MRSA Staph Infections Better Option Than Antibiotics

By Dr. Amy McMillan

Health problems continue to cause difficulties even with modern medicines. People are being affected by bacteria that has developed a resistance to antibiotics at an alarming rate. These bacteria, once found only in locations such as hospitals and nursing facilities where they affected individuals with weakened immune systems are now found in the workout areas of athletes and in the sand of warm, sunny beaches. Fortunately, using herbs against MRSA staph infections is providing help.

Herbal medication has been used for centuries to help heal human illness. Chinese practitioners used herbal remedies as early as 2800 BC. Some of the earliest literature in their language that has survived included recipes for herbal cures for many different health conditions.

In the United States, early pioneers who had no access to physicians turned to plants for help. Nettles were used to stop bleeding. Columbine and mustard garlic were used in poultices, salves, teas and tinctures to provide for the medications that were not otherwise available. They selected the plants that worked and passed the information to neighbors.

As the pharmaceutical industry grew and antibiotics became available, many of these traditional remedies were abandoned. Highly refined medications were able to slow growth of infection for a time to allow the immune system to restore the body to health. However, bacteria began to evolve that was resistant to these medications. The resistant bacteria reproduce even in the presence of antibiotics. While first found in hospitals, such organisms are now found everywhere.

Although the bacteria are resistant to the highly refined antibiotics, the multi-layered approach provided by herbal remedies can still help. Plant extracts such as those from the Creosote bush, garlic, tea tree, grapefruit seed and the enzymes found in honey can reduce help to overcome these bacteria. When users mix three or more of these natural remedies, the strongest of bacteria can often be overcome due to the multiple attacks launched.

In addition to problems with resistant bacteria, antibiotics can cause other problems for people. This type of medication can kill the helpful bacteria in the body as well as those causing the infection, leading to yeast infections and other problems. In addition, many people cannot tolerate the antibiotics due to stomach upset and other problems.

Use of herbs against MRSA staph infections is an option many individuals find helpful. These natural materials can help to reduce the bacteria causing the infection. When prescription medication is unable to restore one's health, many have found plants of nature offer a better option without the undesirable side effects of antibiotics.

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